Friday, January 8, 2010

Is the price of oil being artificially manipulated?

Value of dollar has decreased by 20 percent over the past year and the price of oil has gone up by 100 percent over the past year. Has there been an 80 percent spike in demand?Is the price of oil being artificially manipulated?

Not at all.

How to reduce the oil price.

1.Reducing Vechicle run by petrol/diesel

2.All are ready to run cycle

3.Car production to be reduced.

4.People to come forwad to reduce the usage of Cars/Truck

5.Reuce the Plane Travel

Can people come forwad ?Is the price of oil being artificially manipulated?
Oil increases not because of oil companies (although they have a part) but because of the Mercantile market where oil is traded. When OPEC decreases the supply to this market, the oil price increase. When the world increases its demand on oil, the price goes up as well. Simple economics.

How do you control this? Well, many of those not-really-in-the-know don't understand that America only imports approx. 12% of its oil from foriegn sources. The rest of the oil is produced within our borders.

Effectively, we're selling the oil to ourselves, and we're setting the price based on international markets. Does this make sense to anyone? I hope you said NO to that question.

The easiest way to control oil for America is to pull out of the Merchantile market altogether, then fix the price of oil while adding a profit for the oil companies. The oil companies do NOT need to have monies to ';look for oil.'; We know where 99% of the oil is in this country.

That's the short term solution.

The long term solution would be to produce nuclear power plants whose sole purpose is to produce hydrogen fuel. Hydrogen is 3-5x the cost of gas per energy unit. It's not a good choice to run your car on. Hydrogen requires a LOT of electricity to manufacture. By using nuclear energy, it's nearly free. That's the long term solution as I see it.

Oh, and by the way, that's also a solution to solving the fresh water issues of this country because hydrogen byproduct is clean, pure water.
Nope. Oil is being speculated to death. Sad part is as much as it is speculated it will not come down much. High oil and high food cost is hear to stay. Only people who benefit are the oil company and the wealthy investers.
speculators are just taking advantage of a sure bet.

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