Gee I'm really comforted knowing the Democrats are looking out for us and we are all set for all those green alternatives to really have a positive effect on all of our lives. I'm sure $5 a gallon gas will have ABSOLUTELY NO NEGATIVE EFFECT ON OUR ALREADY BAD ECONOMY!!
The Democrats won't allow us to drill for our own oil in Anwar, and off the coasts of Florida and California. Sounds like a great plan for our destruction.Price of Oil is skyrocketing. Are those green alternatives ready yet?
When the new cap and trade goes into effect your going to see prices go off the charts for just about everything you consume. Everything in this country has to be transported which uses fuel one way or another. YOU will pay for it like you cannot imagine. Your elect bill alone will jump about 260.00 per month per meter in the usa. Your lunch of a mickey dees burger and fries could cost you 20.00 for one person. This all comes of course with ';change';Price of Oil is skyrocketing. Are those green alternatives ready yet?
hold onto your wallet -- last week's testimony in Congress makes the point that 80% of America's energy comes from fossil fuels and that isn't going to change anytime in the next 20 years plus. Thus, we either drill and mine it here, or we import it at whatever cost the market charges no matter what that cost is.
so the real choice isn't green energy vs burning oil -- the real choice is having economic growth vs feeling good about saving the planet that doesn't need saving.
No, they're not ready and it will be a long time before they are. We need electricity to heat and cool our homes and liquid fuels like gasoline and diesel to run out cars and trucks. Why are we wasting natural gas and oil to fuel our electric plants? That's a total waste.
President Obama has talked about ';next generation biofuels.'; But what are they and where are they? Two scientists from MIT in Massachusetts recently said, ';We can't drill our way out of this problem and we can't invent our way out of it either.'; So what can we do and why aren't we doing it now?
Even when the country mass produces a bunch of green products. As automobiles. These same products will be expensive. Especially for common U.S citizen....... Many will stick, with the gasoline products.
If you wanna stop the gas prices from rising. Stop driving worthless miles. gasoline consumption, is all about supply and demand. A concept which many individuals, hadn't even brushed up against yet. Stop driving your H2.
Yes, public transportation is available. You could also reduce your consumption. Conservation is the first step.
Or, you could get a JOB and purchase a new Fusion Hybrid.
Gas seems cheap now compared to the ridiculous prices under our President Bush when War on Iran speculation drove oil over 150$ per barrel. I'm glad that bubble popped.
oh no five dollars a gallon!!!! (sarcasm)
forgive me i don't find this serious, but in england it's $5 for less than a gallon, and we do fine, but of course we have high MPG cars
oh right btw they aren't proper green yet, but renewable energy sources, like biomass and ethanol.
When the price of fuel went up under Bush the left wing said timt after time Bush is in the back pocket of the oil companies...... Now that it`s Obama I see he must be the same pockets Bush was in...... Wonder where the big out cry went to...... Democratic way.... Blame them but how dare you blame us for the same thing
Green alternatives will become more attractive once they are more used. Then they will become cheaper (just like how cel phones and computers became cheaper once the masses started buying them). They will become more widely used once gas prices make gas more expensive than green alternatives.
Gas went up, gas went down, gas goes up. All independently of politics.
Supply and demand, don't buy it, it will go down.
My oil stocks could use a boost, go for a drive
';skyrocketing';? I think not. Demand always increases in the spring as we move to the summer driving season in the US. Throttle back on the baseless hysteria.
yeah yknow i'm waiting on those green alternatives too. which, actually are going to end up costing us more than what we've been doing.
payback to oil companies.
gas was 5 dollars a gallon under bush. were not even half way there. do your homework.
well get a job and then u can afford most ppl do
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