Monday, April 26, 2010

Do oil prices drop because traders realized that Americans are going to inflate their tires

Sure, most people were already doing this, but some people were apparently driving on flats driving our gas prices up. Evil jerks. And now that Obama has brought their selfish actions to light they will have to inflate their tires and way less gas will be used. I'm sure revealing this scared oil companies hard.

I think my brain just died a little..Do oil prices drop because traders realized that Americans are going to inflate their tires
The most likely scenario is its a superficial drop. They make it look like it's dropping to calm the society. If they just keep the oil prices going up skyward, then they can expect people protesting in the streets. So this is very likely a phase in the 5-10 year plan of government to increase the oil prices. They cannot decrease oil prices, simply because of the 9 trillion dollar national debt.Do oil prices drop because traders realized that Americans are going to inflate their tires
No, oil prices are dropping because election day is getting closer! Both candidates are unleashing their energy proposal plans for the US to produce more oil and be less dependent on foreign countries. Therefore, oil speculators who have been the MAIN reason prices have gone up so high in the spring, are starting to get nervous and selling their stocks in oil before they lose too much profit. The more who sell their oil stocks, the more the prices will go down. Also, senate has recently approved a bill to regulate the oil speculators in the market to make it illegal for them to purchase barrels of oil they have no intention of actually using. This is what's REALLY happening.
Oil prices have dropped because worldwide demand has dropped. Worldwide demand has dropped because the worldwide economy is struggling. The worldwide economy is struggling because of U.S. lenders underestimating the risk in a huge number of loans and mortgage-backed securities. U.S. lender underestimated the risk of default because they got just a little too anxious to make a buck without investigating the people to whom they were lending money.
How about the most obvious answer? Historically, August brings a drop in fuel prices for America because of decrease in demand. Children return to schools, as a result, fewer family road and air trips are taken. More families stay closer to home and demand lowers. A lowered demand with an unchanged production = what kids? Lower prices good job.
americans have cut back significantly on their driving and overwhelmingly and quickly made a transition to buying fuel efficient cars and taking public transportation. these are the kind of demand-reducing strategies that have caused the price to drop. inflating tires is another part of that.
Oil prices dropped because speculative news combined to push oil in to a bear market. The ';threat'; of offshore drilling did little to nothing to spur this on, although the Republican spin machine is doing a good job of linking coincidences.
Must be the doubters tried it, because the supply is more than the demand now. And that is why the price of gas has come down. Down almost fifty cents here. To Jack X they are not going to believe it.鈥?/a>

It's from an actualy school and not from the GOP soundbite machine. Feel free to ignore anyway.
They dropped because they are worried we might drill. Of course the left F**** that up like everything else! Boycott those lazy slobs in Congress!
They trade now hay for the donkeys. Watch for the inflationary prices.
that and it doesn't look like Nigerian oil workers will strike this month, and Hurricane Eduard was rather weak.
they are giving us a break before; the ultimate raping.
It is the principal of causality. You'll learn it when you take physics.
TES, The messiah sez so,

McCain '08 !!!!
No, because they ran out of places to hide the extra oils
no its because Phil Valentine ( talk radio host) started making bio desil
Of course, the ';chosen one'; said so

Vote McCain in 08
Well, he is right about tire pressure.
Yeah, right.

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