Why are Democrats blocking the progress to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by blocking explortion in ANWR?
';Studies of the ANWR coastal plain indicate it may contain between 6 and 16 billion barrels of recoverable oil (between 11.6 and 31.5 billion barrels in-place). With enhanced recovery technology, ANWR oil could provide an additional 30 to 50 years of reliable supply. Natural gas, produced with the oil, could be reinjected or added to a new gas pipeline originating in Prudhoe Bay.';
http://www.anwr.org/case.htmWhy Are Democrats Causing The Price Of Oil To Rise When We Could Lower it By Drilling In ANWR?
Yes. You figured it out. Thank you.
The Democrat Party gets Millions of Dollars from Environmental Groups each Election--- for Banning Oil Drilling.
It's a ';PAY-OFF';.
Always Remember:
What's BAD for America....
Is GOOD for the Democrat Party.
ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL!!!!!!Why Are Democrats Causing The Price Of Oil To Rise When We Could Lower it By Drilling In ANWR?
Yeah, a year or two of oil.
So you want to destroy a part of Alaska for maybe 30 billion barrels of oil when the US uses about 7 billion per year?
And doesn't most of the oil produced in Alaska go to Asian markets?
they would rather save a caribou.then when you can get alternate energy like a wind mill for electricity.there all for it .then it's not in my back yard.typical liberal crap.
Why is the oil industry reaping record profits quarter after quarter and executive level management pulling out hundreds of million each year in compensation while we pay three dollars a gallon for gasoline?
mate let's drill where ever is necessary
Of course ANWR stands for American national wildlife reserve. That's what it was set up for...to preserve species and habitat. The flaw in the argument is that the oil will be sold to the highest bidder.....which means it will go directly to China, Japan and India. That would be a good deal for the Oil Mafia, but it wouldn't give anyone in the Lower Forty Eight a single drop of that old time motion lotion. Also, it's not the 'democrats' blocking anything....except another royal hosing of the American wage-earner. Since none of that oil will benefit a single American not directly involved with or invested in the oil industry, why bother? There are ways to keep the wheels on the road and get out from under foreign oil....but really, can you imagine the oil companies going for anything that will come out of their pocket? Now if we stopped importing middle east oil and brought Alaska oil here to replace it...you might have a valid argument...but that isn't going to happen. Maybe that might be a question to ask...how about a trade off?
The studies you source are not necessarily the considered opinions of petrogeologists in general. Those range from as little as six months worth of oil for the taking. If the GOP was interested in keeping oil prices down, not invading Iraq would have been a good start. Can't blame the Dems for everything.
It's the fault of the Dem's? I didn't realize that we were able to point blame.
Okay, if there's one thing that the legal system has taught us - we need to blame someone.... So be it!
';Studies of the ANWR coastal plain indicate it MAY';
It may contain a tiny amount of oil. We won't know until we drill...and once we drill we destroy it. Why is the republican solution always a quick and VERY dirty one. Isn't the earth nasty enough?
because deep down they hate the west, and look to the govenment to solve all our problems with a one world government.
here's one for all you Yankee's.
do you know the proposed route for the pipeline coming out of ANWR (and by the way morons, what the hell do you think the R stands for in ANWR... give ya a hint, its not republican, but it could be RETARD,... actually in stands for RESERVE. Look up its meaning)
The route is slated to go through Canada, and we sure as hell wont let you spread more crude oil on our country!
For get war: here is a F.Y.I for you:
Exxon may have had a record profit, but thats becuase Jimmy Carter signed in to law that all oil company's get 7 percent profit per cost per gallon of oil. So when OPEC, who controls the price of oil, reduces the output of oil, the prices go up and so does the profits for oil companys!
Like the oil company's, most liberal taxes is a percentage of the cost of oil. For example, for easy math, we will say that a gallon of gas cost $1.00. Liberals have a 65% tax. so that would be $1.65 now add the 7 percent of profit for oil companys and thats how you get the total.
Yeah,balme everything on us buddy.I'd rather pay 40 bucks a gallon for gas than to see my brothers and sisters fight and die in a senseless war.
The current price of oil is caused by speculators. Price is not always determined by actual demand. Sometimes there is an artificial demand caused by speculating. Many people do not realize that the price of oil is determined by the Commodities Market. That market buys and sells futures contracts for oil much the same way stocks are sold on the stock market. And much the same as the stock market, there are speculators who are not interested in the oil itself but in possible rise in the value of their contracts. This is what is driving the current market so no change in supply will actually affect it.
The price of oil is not related to supply and demand.
It's all speculation.
Unintentional destabilization of the middle east didn't help either
First of all even if we began drilling today it could take 10 years before we could even see a benefit from it. If we made a conscious effort to move towards renewable resources we wouldn't even need it by then.
Second the actual benefit is highly debatable, with the amount of oil that we go through in this country the oil produced from ANWR likely wouldn't even put a dent in gas prices.
Third it's a wildlife refuge. The whole point of it is to designate an area that is reserved for wildlife, that can't be intruded apon by man.
Finally believe it or not, some people on this planet actually like the planet, and don't want to see every inch of it exploited for profit.
They want the price to rise, price theory says that once the price reaches a certain point, people will conserve. And reduced consumption will mean less green house gases, haven't you heard them talking about global warming. In his book, ';Earth in the Balance';, Al Gore said he thinks gas should be $8 per gallon. I happen to agree, but not because I care about global warming, I just want fewer cars on the road, I'll pay the $8 per gallon for that!
because the wild life would be put in great danger. This is bad not only in terms of even further disrupting the earth's natural processes, but also the diet and culture of the Native tribes that live in and around the ANWR
besides, we should be working towards alternative energy resources anyway
Absolutely no drilling for more oil in Alaska. Again only a band aid to a big problem. Think true independence.
Why are you determined to kill the planet (that would include humans btw), by perpetuating the oil economy?
Because the environmentalist have convinced the public that drilling in that ';pristine area';( that actually resembles a frozen over parking lot) would be bad for the environment there. I am not sure how the environment in a frozen over wasteland could be made any worse.
bush's illegally invading Iraq has everything to do with current oil prices.
bush's economic policy (or lack there of) has everything to do with our economic downturn.
all the while bush Inc gets rich
hail to the thief
Because we shouldn't be perpetuating the capitalist oil economy of the current infrastructure.
All it does is **** the proletariat over, and supply billions to the bourgeoisie.
The solution? Not being dependant on crude oil.
Why is it for years, the GOP has fought any kind of environmental initiatives be it heightening MPG ratings for cars (why are SUVs exempted?)or research into alternative fuels. The answer is that Big Oil runs the GOP and they are just dying to get into this area to make more money. It has nothing to do with ';independence';; it has everything to do with the bottom line of the oil companies.
Yeah, the war in the Middle East, the region where most of the oil lies, has nothing to do with the price of oil.
Reality, open your eyes and quit listening to that 25 year old TA who is just reading from a book.
The price of oil has nothing to do with the current supply. Exxon mobil posted record breaking profits.
Poli Sci 101: OPEC doesn't follow the basic rules of free market.
They are always against anything that will benefit America and keep our independence.
Basically because oil prices are valued on what stocks they actually have and not predictions.
If so much of our oil is coming from Iraq then why are gas prices so high? And if we are getting as much oil from Iraq as the article alleges, then that reinforces the notion that we did invade Iraq for oil.
I also noticed that the article didn't give a list of sources, I suspect that this was written by a lobbyist for the oil industry.
If foreign oil is so bad for the economy, then shouldn't that motivate us to find alternative fuels sources, now rather than wait until it's too late.
And when there is an environmental issue whose going to pay for the damage to the environment. Exxon still hasn't fully paid it's fines it agreed to from destroying the Prince William Sound.
Moreover, in a recent news story BP had to shut down some of its operations in AK recently due to poor maintenance practices, who will ensure this won't happen in the ANWR?
And those statistics are highly inflated, there has been research done to show that drilling in the ANWR wouldn't make that much of a difference to where it would be worth it.
Lastly, the article also fails to mention that oil prices are as high as they are because oil prices are determined to an extent by OPEC and OPEC nations are not only mostly countries the US isn't on the best terms with; but also place limits on how much oil each country can produce in order to keep market demands where they are. There was also a recent news article on Yahoo, that the Saudi's admitted that in the 1990's when oil was 54.00 a barrel that even that price was too high.
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