Monday, April 26, 2010

What's your best answer to solve the price of oil?

The Alaska pipeline was built and the scare tactic of detsrying the wildlife was proven false. Brazil uses corn based enthonal and congress made it so costly to imported it through tarriffs, Brazil told us to pound salt. Save the bird crowd had a judge stop wind fans as the birds fly into the blades. The spotted owl won private property held in families for generations. Geothermo is out as where do we go to get a steam charge? How about nuclear? The same group that wanted cell phones banned due to brain cancer risks won in court to prevent nuclear cell driven car technology. That leases hydro electric. Nope......we kill the spawning fish.

What's left.........oil shale. Colorado just found more oil reserves that experts says is larger than Saudi Arabia. South Dakota alone has undrilled reserves that even the lowest estimates would provide enough reserves to fill every car truck and SUV in the country for 60 years.

Well, we can take Gore's advise and use rigshaws.What's your best answer to solve the price of oil?
omg i can't take it anymore!!!! DRILL IN ALASKA OR WHEREVER!!! you kno what i hate??? I love the earth and i love people and i want to keep the earth clean. BUTall the environmentilists are so caught up in saving the earth they're killing it. they're known as the friendly people but because of them prices for food and gas and everything is rising and the poverty stricken countries have now lost all hope because they simply can't pay. THOUSANDS of little kids are dying every day in africa alone because of starvation (cuz they can't buy food) or malaria (cuz we won't provide DDT) all because we're so concerned about the earth. look i'm all for keeping it clean and nice fresh air but use the gifts God has given and the amazing technology we have today to help ppl!!!! and poor families are just trying to survive and give their children normal lives (in USA) and they can't even afford to drive to work anymore!!

okay i'm good.What's your best answer to solve the price of oil?
People should drive less and use smaller cars with smaller engines.


Hummer = 10mpg

VW Fox = 50mpg

distance to go = 100 miles

Hummer, 10 gals @$4.00 pg = $40.00

Fox, 2 gals @ $4.00 pg = $8.00

saving = 8gals, = $32.00

emissions = similar.
Quit depending on other countries and being held hostage by OPEC. We are also an oil rich nation, but hording our resources for what ever stupid reason. EPA, Green Peace and all those other organizations, Governmental Regulations, ect. ect.

Go Figure?
even dint touch the food based energy ,many resources we have ,go and work on them so later supply and demand rule will lower the price
make all the oil they have capped in Texas available.
Excellent outline of the case for expanded exploration and production. An even stronger statement about the mind of the Greens. All conventional energy sources are ruled out. All alternative energy sources are in the debate and consider stage. Instead of drilling, lets get another impact study! Why the so-called ';guy on the street'; does not turn his anger on the Greens is a question without a logical answer. I guess, the TV media has taken control of Group think in the U.S. Good statement of the absurdity of the self inflicted ';energy crisis.'; My answer: use the only economic sources of energy: nuclear, coal natural gas, and oil. It seems that the people who are ';helping'; us would like to see the gasoline stations closed and non-conforming electrical power generation plants shut down. Now.. It that possible? It is too crazy to imagine. But, it seems like a step that they are ready to take. I have lost interest in talking with these people. Having grown up in the gas patch, I wish the Greens would visit one these sites and see the pristine land they feel they are protecting for having its beauty and contour destroyed.
It has been said that ';you can't teach an old dog new tricks';.

At 65 some might call me an old dog, but that does not mean that I cannot learn a new trick or two.

What you are suggesting is just what the big Oil companies want you to, and who do you think is going to control all of that oil?

Would it happen to be EXXON, who is taking all of that oil that comes from the Alaska pipeline, (that you mentioned) and shipping most of it to Japan?

By the way, EXXON is selling of most of it's refineries because they have figured out that controlling the oil is where the real money is.

Can really imagine that having a larger source of oil available will convince the oil companies to lower their prices?

Especially since they have spent so much time and money to stop the innovation of alternative power sources?

Chevron/Texaco, bought out the rights and factory of the Battery Plant that produced the battery for Toyota RAV 4,

effectively stopping their production, at least for a time.

So why would such a huge company spend so much money to stop such technology?

Could it be that they saw the future in it? or the possible down fall of Fossil fuel?

My best answer is Electricity, even though I cannot afford it.

The more people who can afford it, and do, the less drain there will be on fossil fuel.

Even if the Electric cars were used as second cars. for trips around town and as work commuter cars, if that was coupled with solar panels it would mean practically free fuel of which the saving could go to pay for the car and solar panels.

not a short term solution, but are there any real short term solutions?
I know I will not get the ';best answer'; for this, A conclusion of Mr. Saleri, president and CEO of Quantum Reservoir Impact in Houston, was formerly head of reservoir management for Saudi Aramco based on his studies, he made the following statements: ';The solutions to global energy needs require an intelligent integration of environmental, geopolitical and technical perspectives each with its own subsets of complexity. On one of these -- the oil supply component -- the news is positive. Sufficient liquid crude supplies do exist to sustain production rates at or near 100 million barrels per day almost to the end of this century';

If you remember in the 1970's Oil embargo, you have money but you cannot buy gasoline because there is no supply, TODAY, if you have the money you can buy gasoline, which means that there is enough supply but prices were only being manipulated by entities who has control to it.

Please see link below for your reference:…

The best you'll do is push this problem back for 10 years. Then what?

You're afraid if we reorganize American society to stop using petroleum, life will be worse. That's not true, you're just thinking about fear instead of thinking about opportunity.

America used to be 5% of the world's population using 25% of the world's resources. That worked because the rest of the world lived in abject poverty. That's changing, thus the rise in oil. But that's a GOOD thing, because more affluent consumers means more paying customers for our stuff! Guess what the Chinese call their most popular car. ';Ford Focus';

I personally will be happy to use 2 cents a mile fuel I can get anywhere there's a plug, rather than 15 cents a mile fuel I have to drive somewhere to buy.

The windmill guys went back to the drawing board and beat the bird problem. Bigger windmills have slower blades the birds can see in time. Solved.

An awful lot of the problems you blame on environmentalists are actually NIMBY and other people with agendas, cloaking themselves in environmenalism so they don't look selfish. Call it what it is.

As far as nuclear, look up the word ';externality';. That's when you make something seem cheap because you've pushed the REAL costs of it off onto someone else. Wind is cheaper than nuke because you buy a windmill, done. No mysterious future costs, no Yucca Mountain.
Naturally with those larger reserves you described, the price should go down. I think that if it did, it would give people the opportunity to explore some of the newer cars being put out right now (because honestly some people are spending everything they have just to drive back and forth from work). You know, I feel like we've kind of turned into crack addicts with this oil thing. We know it's bad for us, it'll destroy the land and air, but we have to have it.

I've seen so many new cars coming out right now, I hope and pray that it will catch on and people realize that we shouldn't fear innovation. I plan on moving in a month where I can attend school and work in the same close area and hopefully sell my car. Maybe I'll just get some little electric clown car...don't matter to me :-)
I am playing very big on oil trading, from Morgan Stanly, Goldman %26amp; Sachs on the Wall Street .

I bought millions and millions of barrels of oil when they cost $60--$100 a barrel. I expect to make a kill when I sell. But right now it’s only $145 a barrel. So here is my difficulty:

I already requested my agents spin the media, like: “Oil future looks high, expecting to be in the range of $200 a barrel soon. ” But it does not work price up as fast as I expected.

I have also demanded my agent playing “China demand high” blaming game.

I am glad to see that Congress is ignoring 19 top trade group’s letter demanding an end to rampant oil speculation

Also I am happy to see that the Media did not report it as I desired.

But how do I corner the oil future price up very fast ? fast enough in time so not to get caught ?

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