Were they not smart enough to know that when you refuse to use your own resources and rely on other countries for the majority of a major consumer product like oil that might come back to bite you and have this sort of effect?
I believe it is just more evidence of their short sided emotional reaction to policies and issues. They fight so hard to hold this country back... they are now getting the result...
So why are they so upset? And why are they blaming Bush? You would think they would want the credit for their plan.Why are environmentalist dems and liberals complaining about the price of oil?
Same thing as the ';Environmentalist'; in California who fought against underbrush burning......thank goodness.....it was so much better when all the homes, trees, animals, and underbrush all burned together. Seems all they want to do is antagonize viable solutions, and then blame others when it doesn't work. They never offer solutions, just attacks. Don't know how it's Bush's fault with a dem house + senate.
Either way, the environmentalist dems are all full of it anyways. This is clearly evident by their ';Leader'; Al Gore, and all of his scientific background and ';research';.Why are environmentalist dems and liberals complaining about the price of oil?
You know, when I read such nonsense as this, my first reaction is that the writer is trolling for reactions, but for some reason I truly believe that what you have written is what you actually think.
So, let's just accept your statements for the sake of discussion. What exactly do you think is the solution? Do you actually believe that the US is sitting on some ridiculously huge reserves of oil after 100 years of extracting the stuff as fast as we can? Do you think that the US controls the price of oil? Do you actually believe that even if the oil was there that the oil companies would cut their own profits just to keep americans happy by selling cheaper than the global market?
Which one of these fairy tales is closest to your golden picture of reality? Because I can tell you pretty straight up that none of those things are remotely true.
Blame it on whoever you want if that is what makes you happy, but the real problem is excess consumption of a limited and non-renewable resource on a global basis, and there is absolutely Dirk-all you can do or say to change that.
The environmentalists are the ones who have been pressing for alternative energy sources for YEARS, and yet for the last seven years Bush has done nothing. And you're calling the environmentalists short-sighted? If Bush had bothered to properly fund research, or if Congress had made the tax credits for wind %26amp; solar permanent, we wouldn't be in as much of a mess as we are.
We do not have enough domestic oil reserves to supply domestic demand. Full stop. Even an all-out drilling campaign at every viable well-head in the country would only slow the rate of price increases - it wouldn't stop it.
If you can't be bothered to root your questions in reality...
Most environmentalists are pleased about the high price of gas because it is forcing people to drive less and buy more fuel efficient cars. They already have arraigned their life to minimize the use of fossil fuels so it is not costly for them. Prior to price increase there was a movement by Conservative environmentalist to put a high tax on gas to achieve oil conservation
Doesn't it amaze you,
How liberals think solor or wind power, would somehow make gasoline cheaper ?
Makes ya wonder what thier thinking,
Putting a sail on top thier Yugo ?????
But the high gas prices, sure blew one Liberal myth out of the water.
That higher gas tax's would drive down demand.
Since we have seen no decrease in demand, as prices continue to rise.
Im still waiting for the Liberals to jump on the UN Climate Panel bandwagon.
And start saying we need new nuclear power plants, to replace all the fossil fuel power plants.
Since wind and solor energy, could at most, replace less than 10% of thier energy production.
There's a great deal of oil right here under the US the problem is the expense and technology of getting to it.
Why not ask the oil companies why they haven't used some of their record profits to build some new refineries. They are still pumping from ones built in the 70's. Build new ones and their output increases supply, demand goes down and so do profits.
ted kennedy owns more oil than just about anyone in the world, he has been the driving force in stopping exploration because it keeps prices higher,just like al gore knew that pushing ethanol would cause all food to go up in price.they use the environment to make money for themselves. and both sides are guilty of lining their pockets. just seems like the republicans don't bother to try and hide it
Huh, I was thinking just the other day that maybe this high price of gas might be what it takes to get us to use what we have a little more wisely.
I am sure when people start to freeze this next winter they will be the first to blame Bush for the problem. Rather than themselves because they once again blocked development of our own resources.
Simply stated, they need something to occupy their time...
and with their total lack of both imagination and physical energy, this fits the bill perfectly.
Adam B is the man
They complain about the price of oil because the live to complain and be miserable. It gives them something during this ';fallen'; 8 years to blame Bush about when in fact they are partially to blame.
Look at Hurricane Katrina. We have a refinery or 2 that gets knocked out and look how badly we got hammered. The fact is, our supply is very fragile. That is due to many things including the lack of refineries we have, and our own unwillingness to drill in this country because a small percentage of environmentalists have sucessfully lobbied and shut it down in Washington. And with the medias help, anybody who dare suggest we drill or boost our supply gets demonaized for being in the oil companies back pocket. The whole thing is just a politcal mess that is going to HAVE the get sorted out sooner or later.
The bottom line is, we cany use the resources we do without being willing to help supply the demand for it. Democrats and liberals have created the dependence we have on foreign oil.
Bush tried to pass legislation to start drilling in Alaska for our own oil but alas, the democrat congress vetoed it. Bush tried, congress failed us. A president doesn't have absolute power, his power is checked/balanced by the legislative and judicial branches of government. It takes all branches cooperating to accomplish much of anything. We'll just have to keep paying the Pelosi Premium till congress allows us to move forward. We people need to shut down their phone systems about it again like we did about illegal amnesty, we put a stop to that at least. We need to demand they stop pandering to tree hugging environmentalist groups, and start working instead for the average hard working American by letting us use our own resources.
Gary: 2 years ago Nancy Pelosi promised us that they will work to lower gas prices. What happened? Now the price has gone up exponentially with NO action from congress.
I believe alternatives to oil should have been made available years ago. My opinion has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with energy Independence and economics. Due to the mistakes our government has made and the domino effect of their greed the price of oil is creating serious hardship on the masses across the world.
Therefore, people must come first. They need to eat and stay warm. The environmentalist and animal rights activists need to put human life across the globe on the top of their priority list.
The earth will be around a lot longer then we will. Drill for oil on our own soil and offshore. Pressure still can be put on our lousy government officials to put into effect the alternative choices that already exist.
When my dad worked for Ford Motor Co 50 years ago, they had the opportunity to manufacture cars that ran up to 100 miles per gallon. They bought the patent and never produced the car. That was 50 years ago. The technology exists to do a lot better then that. I wonder who is holding those patents.
Everyone in the Bush administration said that Iraqi oil would pay for the invasion and occupation, and that the neocon Middle East strategy would ensure America's oil needs for the present and future.
How can anyone possibly be more short-sighted and incorrect than that?
edit --
Bush has pushed only for things that he felt would give him historical greatest (not that he put any effort into it—he just expected it to be given to him like everything else in his life).
He certainly never “pushed” for alternative energy, or even for increasing our own resources (because it is the oil industry—not environmentalists—that wants to leave the oil where it is).
Bush / Cheney / petroleum industry had absolute control from 2000-2006; enough power to orchestrate an unjustifiable war of choice over the objections of half of America’s citizens plus 90% of the world’s citizens. If he had wanted alternative energy—or if he had wanted to drill more US oil—or build more refineries—there was no opposition.
So, if those things were not done, it is because the republicans in power wanted it that way.
J K --
Congress has no veto power—that belongs to the President. And, in order to override a Presidential veto, a 2/3 majority vote is required in both the House and Senate.
There has been no such thing as a “Democratic Congress” since 1996 (the Democratic majority from 2007-present is trivial and without power).
Both parties obsess with polls-equally; just as they deny it-equally.
Of course Carter and Clinton thought of their places in history. However, they at least did not pretend to read books about Washington and Lincoln, and then suggest that they be considered comparable.
Bush did not even know there were ethic, tribal, and religious differences within Iraq before he invaded. He had no clue of Sunni, S’hia, Kurds, or the fact that Iranians are not Arabs. The only original—not was he was told to say—thought and reason he ever gave for attacking Iraq was, “God told me to smite him [Hussein], and I smote him.”
On the other hand, virtually every non-partisan Middle East expert in the world (and, in fact, everyone who knew anything about the region) predicted the most likely outcome of Bush’s invasion would be civil war and further destabilization of the region. Bush’ own father (George H.W. Bush) explained in his 1998 book ‘A World Transformed’ that invading Iraq and removing Saddam from power would:
1. result in America becoming stuck in a no-win Vietnam-like quagmire;
2. result in America losing its friends and allies;
3. result in America losing its standing in the world and its ability to lead and influence international political events;
4. result in jeopardizing America’s own interests in the Middle East, undoing decades of intense effort to put ourselves in a position to be politically effective in the region;
5. result in increased hardship for both those who live in the Middle East and America’s own citizens; and
6. further destabilize the already volatile region with the possibility of causing regional (or greater) armed conflict.
If Bush had listened to his real father instead of the imaginary one he hears in his head we would not be in this mess. The Surge will fail because, from the start, the whole thing was doomed to failure. It was a stupid idea conceived by egomaniacal nitwits and executed by the biggest Dufus to ever occupy the White House.
Self-righteous declarations of intellectual superiority are the surest sign of a weak mind; and parroting numbskulls like Rush and Hannity, who both flunked out of college, does not help your argument. It is your admonition that is a joke.
JK -
The hell with Pelosi. This is a neocon/Bush failure. Quit blaming others and expecting them to clean up your messes.
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