The price of oil is set by the world community based on supply and demand.
Bush made A pretty good suggestion to use old military bases for oil refineries. and drilling for more domestic oil But not Alaska even he appreciates the prestine of the area.
Mccain made a good point about nuclear power. The US Navy has used Nuclear power or their subs for decades with no problems.
The recession was caused by Dumb Dumb consumers and Poor and predatorial lending. Once the Housing market corrects it self everything will be fine. This as actually created and excellan time for new buyers because of the lower cost of houses so you may see a boom in this area before too long.
And to those who lost their homes i really feel for but dont feel bad rental homes can be nice too. Sometimes no action is the best action by taking too much action you can prolongue the correction a worsen the situation. Usually if you leave it alone the market will correct itself faster than legislation.You do know bush doesnt control the price of oil right?
Actually Baracks kin-folk's control the price of oil.......OPEC
Bush Haters are lame as hell...........
Get a life.......
And Barack can keep his change.........You do know bush doesnt control the price of oil right?
I know that. I also know everything else you're saying. But I think the majority of us are wondering why somethings haven't been pushed into the center of our political arena.
Drilling for oil off of our coasts has not been prodominently promoted to the mass population in recent years. It has been discussed quietly, but not loud enough for us (the sheeps) to rally behind it. That's just one example.
Oil is openly traded on the world markets.
If everyone with a 401(k) changed their plan to one that did not involve petroleum (which is kind of hard, since MOST investment houses and brokers are in oil) then the price of oil would drop about $50 over night!
But, your 401(k) would be worth about 30% less than it is now! But hey... it's all about give and take!
My 401(k) is worth about 17% more than it was just 4 years ago... so, I can't complain TOO much! :)
Yes he does because he failed the American people by not busting up their illegal trust. In addition the war in Iraq drives up the price and Iraq is his biggest blunder. McCain will be four more years of the same. Clinton will be no better because she talks out of both sides of her mouth. We have had 19 years of the Clintons and Bushes. We deserve a change and that is BHO.
But his war in the middle east has destabilized the oil producing region, which has caused the wall street geniuses to panic and jack up the price on oil futures. The guys on wall street are making all the money, and we can't do a thing about it.
It is sad to see people complain about all of their problems and put them all squarely on the one person who does have little control over these things. But that is one of the perks for being president. You get to take the blame for EVERYTHING!
Well, the War in Iraq (which Bush does control) destabilized the Oil Market and scared speculators. Oil futures have risen in spite of the fact that there is enough oil being produced to meet demand.
He impacts the price of oil through his policies...whether they are military or economic. If you think what Bush has done over the last 7.5 years has not impacted the price of oil, you are living in a dream world.
No Bush just loosens regulation on the oil companies and lets them cause artificial bottlenecks in supply.
Just like when Enron traders were shutting down power plants in order to artificially drive up electric prices.
You are correct...Bush is a genius! His theory of leadership by apathy is years ahead of it's time. History will recognize his genius and he will be the new father of our country.
He could use his power to set up an oversight committee to look into these gas prices, he just chooses not to
You know that economic policies of the last 8 years have caused the dollar to devalue which means that gas does feel more expensive?
That's true. But what he DOES as President can AFFECT how the people who DO control the price of oil decide on how expensive the oil should be.
Yes, but he's still a spoiled rich frat boy who has no idea what it's like for people on a fixed income when the price of gas and food keeps going up...with no end in sight.
Not directly, but indirectly through his actions (Like war with Iraq), he does.
Yes but I also know Bush doesn't care about the price of oil either, nor does he understand why it goes up and down.
It just happens that oil went up 300% when an oil corporation CEO took presidency...
Yup, I've known it all along. No president controls oil even as much as I disliked Bill Clinton, I still stood up for him when people blamed him for the price of gas. It made me sick to do it but I don't like lies or liars.
I also know that Iraq doesn't send it's oil to us but rather it's piped straight to Saudi where OPEC cuts Iraq a check for their contribution so don't let anyone tell you this ';war'; is about oil. We only get 17% of our oil from Saudi so there's no problem their. This whole thing is all the oil companies doings and no one else.
Quaint theories you have there. I have my own. 1. The price of oil is set by oil executives who, thanks to no government regulation or oversight, conflict in the Middle East to use as cover and the Bush family's stock portfolio, can set them wherever they want. 2. More drilling anywhere is just postponing the inevitable and keeping that land, water and air pollution cranking. 3. Nuclear power may be the only source of energy that's worse than oil. No one has come up with a safe, nontoxic way to dispose of the waste, meltdowns are a real possibility and any country that develops a nuclear energy program is a half step away from a nuclear weapons program. The only sensible alternative energy sources would be solar, wind, hydroelectric, micro-hydro, tidal, geothermal, electromagnetic or any other truly green sources. These won't be developed, of course, because they would be free or extremely cheap for the consumer and no one could make billions off of them. 4. The recession (jogging quickly toward depression, btw) was caused by Bush who: spent the surplus left to him by Clinton, created record national debts and deficits, started a couple of trillion dollar wars in the Middle East for his, Cheney's and Exxon's benefit among others, gave humongous tax cuts to the rich and removed all oversight and restrictions from corrupt corporations. The global economic depression that's headed our way might be less severe if someone can impose tax hikes on the rich that are about twice as big as the Bush tax cuts, but even that might not be enough. 5. (I know. Long answer.) Currently, the richest 1/10 of 1% of the U.S. population (300,000 people) control more wealth than the bottom 50% (150,000,000 people) this is the greatest disparity of wealth since the Great Depression. Could we please cut the supply side b.s. The trickle down ain't trickling. When one to two thirds of the U.S. population is without food clothing and shelter, your fancy economic double talk won't hold their interest for long.
Deary me!! Be logical. Bush does not ';completely'; control the price of oil. However, his policies concerning the military and basic economics have indeed risen the price of oil. That being said, I am still very shocked how people do not realise this. It is VERY obvious. 1) If you outsource or allow companies to outsource jobs, Americans will lose jobs and other countries will gain them. This will create competition in the world market. In short, other countries will have cars, and therefore causing a possible shortage in oil. (2) If you see the price of oil going up, and you will not tap into the reserve (like Presidents Reagan, Bush 41, and Clinton did) the prices will most likely sky we are seeing right now. There are many reasons, but I do not want to bore you with simple economics. You seem like a smart guy to me. So, I will let you do the research. With that said, all arrows point to Bush, if you look at it with non-partisan glasses.
I heard some interesting stats yesterday. At this time last year, gas was 2.19/gal, unemployment was around 4 percent, and values of our houses was up 1 trillion from wherer it is now. What has changed? The make up of the Congress.
I hear what you are saying about oil prices and I agree, but idiots on here equate it with the person at the helm. If they want to play it that way, how would they explain these statistics?
btw.......I agree with your hands off approach. They should keep their hands off of the oil prices too. If they would just quit trying to manipulate, the market will take care of the problem.
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