Everything goes up when gas goes up, the price of shipping goes up. Bread is up, meat is up, eggs, milk. I just got back from the groecreies,I spent twice what I usually pay, and I got have the groceries, I will need Bush to get out of office very soon, or I may have to go on a starvation diet and walk to work.Americans: Besides Oil what else price went up?
Everything has drastically increase. I noticed that cooking oil almost doubled from the last time i bought it. $1.29 to $2.87 i think here..Steak but i can't afford steak i just stand and hold it and drool for a few minutes. Corn had went up along with ethanol. Utilities(city owned) went up in my city because everyone was conserving this winter and the city needs more revenue.
wages is pretty much the only thing that doesn't go up or if it does its just a few cents but you don't notice it..
Because of high inflation, everything has gone up. Also, when oil prices go up, that causes prices of everything else to go up because companies need to recover those transportation costs.
almost everything went up because it takes gas to transport it and also if it takes gas to produce it, to run the machines that make it, then the prices go up The cost of gas affects products in many many ways, not only transportation
all commodities...rice, wheat, dairy, oil, gas, ...also healthcare, education, etc....anything non discretionary went up, discretionary items are in limbo
everything has gone up
Everything except the price of SUV's and Trucks. They have actually fallen.
Food(eggs, milk, wheat.), houses, gas, and other sustainable sources.
pretty much everything.
Most obvious is food. Food prices went up 83% in the past 3 years.
2 liter bottles of soda. They used to be $0.99, now they're often $1.50 or more.
Everything is going up if it takes fuel to produce or deliver.
Everything and anything
bagels. Where I live (NY) we worship the bagel and it went from .75 cents a bagel to a dollar.
apparently RICE is up like 70% this year.
anything that we consume, not housing
Corn !
butter, milk
milk and bread
fruit and eggs
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