Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Are speculators to blame for high oil prices? How have you dealt with high oil prices?

I heard on the radio, Gloomberg, ooops I mean Bloomberg that oil speculation has caused Americans to pay $1 extra per gallon for gas. My manager at MS says the same thing and that if it wasn't for the speculators and the loopholes they are allowed, oil should be $50 per barrel now not 100. My manager sent me this site- what do you think?

http://www.closetheenronloophole.com/Are speculators to blame for high oil prices? How have you dealt with high oil prices?
Yep, they are the main problem. And nobody talks about it. To me, this is the same thing as insider trading, and it's legal.

Everytime an ant sneezes in the Gulf, the prices go up.

The other thing they don't talk about is how many tankers sit out there and won't deliver oil until the prices go up high enough for them.Are speculators to blame for high oil prices? How have you dealt with high oil prices?
Of course they are. Thats what happens when an unknowing and poorly advised president places light sweet crude on the futures markets, just as good ol 'I never did anything wrong' Bill Clinton did, in 1996.
absolutely..the price of any commodity is a function of the speculative demand for the price it will yield

Hillary is a genius in that circle...of investment strategy

what I have done is sell a few stocks short..limited my investment to a couple of mutual funds.

and decided not to buy another auto until the technology meets the expectations we have for a responsible vehicle
Think of this: 2 years ago at this time, it was 54 dollars a barrel. Remeber when you looked at a sign at it said 1.89 a gallon, and you said - my god I can't believe it has gone up that much. I miss those days, and they weren't too long ago. I heard on the news the other day that they are going to try and put an extra tax on gas that would raise it an additional 49 cents a gallon. what the hell are they trying to do to the middle class?
That whole hundred-dollar-a-barrel thing that happened a couple of weeks ago turned out to be one guy who paid a hundred dollars a barrel in some deal he made. He ended up selling at a loss because he didn't know what he was doing.

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