Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Do you blame President Bush for the high oil prices?

I do. Prices were around $1.35 when he took office and now we are about to go over $3.00.Do you blame President Bush for the high oil prices?
No, and you said oil, but then you give gas prices, it is two different things. Gas is so high, because the E P A has not allowed any refineries to start up since 1973, because of air polution. and several refineries have shut down, so we now have fewer refineries working at more than capacity to feed many times the cars that were running the roads back in 73. It is supply and demand.Do you blame President Bush for the high oil prices?
He could put a stop to these ridiculous prices, but why would he want to bite the hand that feeds?
I don't. It's all market forces.
I do too. And the cost we pay for health care has risen 70% just since Bush has been in office, and it was considered a crisis before that!

But on the other hand, the profits of oil and health insurance corporations have never been better!
Yes I DO! He, Dick Cheney and their oil industry buddies are OIL PROFIT HAWGS!!!
No. I blame the high price of oil on the fact you can no longer get it by poking a hole in the ground in Oklahoma but have to drill for it offshore.
Then you are yet another fine example of the lack of education which the left has become so famous for.

Oil prices, like every other commodity, are driven by supply %26amp; demand.

Supply has remained steady, while demand has boomed with the economic growth in Eastern Europe, China and India.
hey you look like me,,,,


of course bush likes oil profits

that is his industry
He is a MAJOR part of the gas prices going up, but not entirely responsible. Some of it is due to the Katrina disaster. Some of the oil couldn't come in to the ports from South America at the time, so prices went up. Don't get me wrong. ';Dumbaya'; has totally screwed up this country, but 5% goes to weather problems on the oil...
No, I blame the liberal environmentalists who won't let us drill in a HUGE oil reserve in Alaska because of some friggin caribou! I don't give a crap about caribou! Put their behinds in a zoo, they'll be fine!
I'm no fan of Bush. I think he's one of the worst presidents, if not THE worst president, in our nation's history.

That said, I think the high gas prices are mostly not his fault. I say mostly, because his war is destabilizing the Middle East and that's part of why prices are high. Remember, Bush wants to drill for oil offshore and in wildlife refuges and everywhere else -- this would lower oil prices if it happened (but ask yourself if you're willing to destroy the environment to save 5 cents a gallon at the pump). But it has a lot more to do with industrialization in China. If 1 billion Chinese are all driving cars, supply and demand dictates that prices will go up. There's also the issue with refining capacity -- we haven't built any refineries in years, and that trend started long before Bush. I also blame Detroit for building and advertising too many giant SUVs and I blame the drivers who insist on driving these unnecessarily massive, gas guzzling vehicles.

Another reason gas keeps going up is that the dollar is losing value. Notice how gold, yen, euros, pounds, pesos, electricity, food, and everything else costs more dollars than it used to?

Also, notice the massive building/suburban sprawl that's been going on lately? A 150 mile round trip commute burns a lot of gas, in any car and especially in an SUV. Once again, supply and demand.
Not only the oil, but food, the housing, but we have to acknowledge that he has definitely lower a few things like:

The standard of life

The average income

The education


and life span rate.
A Texas oil man is President for 7+ years, and gas prices more than doubled.

Yep, I'd say he had a hand in it. Certainly looked the other way.

The fact that we use up so much oil driving around our big SUVs has something to do with it too.Presidents don't control everything all by themselves . We have a CONGRESS which doesn't seem to want to do anything right now and people keep forgetting that CONGRESS MAKES THE LAWS AND CONTROLS THE BUDGET NOT THE PRESIDENT.

It is easy to blame Bush since most people hate him anyway but that doesn't make it accurate. If you want to blame him then tell me WHAT HE DID that drove up the price of oil ALL AROUND THE ENTIRE PLANET since that is what you are claiming. The price you pay at the pump is largely taxes and it is also affected by the price of oil on the WORLD MARKET. It is not a U.S. thing.

Reality is that people in other countries have been paying 5$ and more for gas for SEVERAL YEARS NOW. Gas is still cheaper here than it is in most of the world and I wonder if you give Bush credit for that .

You should't. And you shouldn't blame him for gas prices either unless you can point to an action he's taken that raised it. The danger in misplacing the blame is that you never find the REAL problem and you end up wasting your energy(pardon the pun) being angry at someone or something that is not the cause of your problem
Yes Bush has a machine in his closet that controls oil prices.

He is capable of so many things, he can manipulate market forces, job markets and even catastrophic weather.

That is amazing considering the fact that he is an Ivy League educated idiot.
Yes. I also blame OPEC and all the greedy oil magnates who are profiting from the price gouge they are allowed to impose on us. I don't think President Bush really cares because a good chunk of his paycheck is tied up in oil revenue.
No, although I'm sure that his actions and policies have contributed at least a little to the rise. I blame him for NOT doing anything about it, however.
Wow, that is just plain ignorance. Think about it. 9/11 happened and our economy plummeted. Then markets shifted and the demand kept going up while the supply stayed the same. Then came the threat of a nuclear Iran and a hostile Venezuela. Wake up. How is any of that Bush's fault?
No. I put the blame where it belongs, with Environmentalists.
3 $ for Olive Oil?!?!? That's OUTRAGEOUS!

I am shocked and appalled. You know, my sister illegally brought olive oil back from Italy. You're not supposed to bring food, as I've told you many times. Is this why we're not aloud to bring them over? George wants to charge extra for it?

You know, back when George and I were childhood sweethearts, he was NOTHING like this. He always shared his cupcake with me. Though now I think about it, he did always have a thing for Olive Oil... I remember him putting some all over the floor in our classroom and poor Neville Longbottom slipped on it.

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