Saturday, December 26, 2009

Do you thinkg the rising oil prices will have a positive effect on anything. What?

small business who depends on the surrounding neighborhood to survive like convenient stores etc. if people dont drive far, they will shop locally and not canvas the superstores for deals. this is precisely whats happening in the small grocery stores i manage and the ';old corner store'; is seeing a healthy revival.Do you thinkg the rising oil prices will have a positive effect on anything. What?
yes on oil execs walletsDo you thinkg the rising oil prices will have a positive effect on anything. What?
maybe the redneck republicans will trade in their 4x4 8mpg

Chevy Silverado with a 8inch lift kit and 38inch mudders for a moped.
Well, my stock in the oil companies is at an all time high...wanna buy some?
actually, it has had a positive effect where i live. i'm in west texas. the local oil companies are paying a really good wage right now. it has forced all other businesses to follow suit. so, as a consequence, our economy is up and unemployment is at an all time low. there are help wanted signs all over town. because everyone is drawing a great salary, home sales are also at an all time high. we are having a trickle down effect right now that is benefiting everyone here. it's a good time to live in oil country.
My stock portfolio.

smarten up and climb on board. you don't need to be a big oil executive to make money here.
A company that makes solar cells just bought the building next to the one where I work. They seem to be doing pretty well for themselves. Solar energy was prohibitively expensive in the past, now that petroleum is becoming prohibitively expensive, solar is more competative - and more profitable.
Maybe it will lessen the US reliance on foreign oil if the demand is smaller
Hopefully our government will smarten up and start building refineries on all those closed airbases and start drilling in our own backyard...
Dick Cheneys friends bank accounts.
Less exhaust fumes means only good things for the environment. - Should of thought of this before Global Warming kicked in.

Bet our health gets better too!
It will prompt us to get off out oil addiction and move to clean nuclear energy. France provides more that 90% of it's power in Nuclear energy.
People finally stopped buying Hummers.
yea maybe finally the stupid people who live on this planet will finally be more energy efficient
It should make oil shale a viable and profitable option, we have trillions of barrels in colorado.

But the dems just voted down allowing oil extraction from shale, apparently they want the oil prices to rise even higher, I wonder how they hope to benefit from that.

Another way is most of our retirement accounts are seeing fantastic returns from the oil company stocks that are held in them. ( approximately 72% of oil company stocks are owned by peoples retirement accounts )
Oh yes, they certainly will. For the oil companies and all those who don't have to worry about putting gas in their cars.

When you're wealthy, or don't have to worry about every penny you spend, I would say, you probably don't care what the price of anything is.

Unfortunately, in a Democrasy, if you can call America a Democrasy, indeed another coversation to be had, anthing and everything goes.

Why people don't go to the streets, or have a multi-million person demonstration in Washington in protest is beyond my understanding. They do it in other countries.

I guess Americans are just too well behaved and since we supposidly do have a democrasy, it would just be too unAmerican to do anything like that. That's why this country is coming apart. People let big business stick it to them with and just accept it for being the way it is in this wonderful, free country we live in.
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