Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Are Laid Off UAW Workers from GM Sending Thank You Notes to Pelosi's Dems for Keeping Oil Prices High?

This liberal do nothing Congress has the worst rating in history, with just about 8% aapproval. Now isn't the Democrats the party of promises? I think not. They are the party of doom and gloom and piss and moan! And you folks want to put a Democrat in the White House? WAKE UP AMERICA!Are Laid Off UAW Workers from GM Sending Thank You Notes to Pelosi's Dems for Keeping Oil Prices High?
Oil prices are high because of market speculators that are being driven by record profits of oil companies. How can one make such profits and not have a product to sell. You are being duped by the republican propaganda machine into believing that there needs to be more land given over to those (international) oil companies for further exploration, when in fact, they have not even gotten close to using the drilling rights they already have. Its the same as the power companies did. Hold back product and rip off the public with artificially high prices.Are Laid Off UAW Workers from GM Sending Thank You Notes to Pelosi's Dems for Keeping Oil Prices High?
It's the market; speculators, investors and of course the consumers that keep the price high. When futures traders have no problem buying oil futures without risking a penny of their money (speculation) and they can hold to sell at even higher prices to make a profit that is the reason.

Add to that the weakening value of the dollar and the Bush fight for Iraqi oil rights for his cronies that keep prices high.

Congress, drilling, or whining will not make a difference.
We knew about this problem since the seventies. We went over thirty years with blinders on . The fault of Pelosi and an 18 month old congress is minuscule.In your heart you know that conservative economic policies and partisan politics coupled with special interest favors brought about this mess. Now we will have to pay the price for a lack of an energy policy since the Reagan administration.

I hope that we find real answers and not rhetoric quickly.
Its not supply thats causing high gas ;prices. there is still untold supply right now. but;;;;;;;; its not getting refined ; we are accually selling gas and shipping it over seas from the usa. The oil in alaska is not refined here. its also shipped overseas. we are being had;;; our refinerys are not even running at full capacity.. etc. even if we drill a lot more , it wont bring down the price. and its 8 to 10 years before it would even be on the market. ; none of this is going to be on you local news.
I am sure come November, they will show just how much the democrats are appreciated. What I want to know is WHY can't we drill and continue our efforts in alternative energy developments AT THE SAME TIME??? WHY!!!!!
Demolibs are really supporting their base of organized labor aren't they.
No...why would they do something silly such as that? Everyone knows GW Bush and his oil cronies are driving up the price oil.

Besides the dems are the union's best friends when it comes to votes.
Well I would think they would be printing out their resumes in search of a new job before sending out any thank you notes.
hahaha! Right on. I agree.
Oh how nice - more Republican Lies.

Has McCain stopped molesting children???

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