Saturday, December 26, 2009

Who is secretly causing the huge rise in oil prices, ?

and destablizing the economy to forward their candidates chances for election?Who is secretly causing the huge rise in oil prices, ?
Democrats, its Obama's big investors in his campaign that are the oil speculators, its called Dirty politics - screw the people to get your way! They are trying to make conservatives look bad, now that we want to DRILL to bring prices down they will NOT ALLOW it cause they know their plan would backfire.Who is secretly causing the huge rise in oil prices, ?
Maybe the Federal Reserve, with their manipulation on the dollar by devaluating it, and non stop credit out of thin air with no current backing to maintain its value, and the inflation caused by Congress with their massive overseas spending and ill advised foreign policy. Take care.

Supply and demand has nothing to do with it. It has to due with the weakness of the dollar, and inflation. IF we had gold as our main backing to the dollar, oil prices would've been the same before we went into Iraq, which was $27 a barrel. You see, it all has to do with who controls the dollar, and the money supply. Good post.
There are several reasons for the hight gas prices, each of which is contributing.

1. There has been a steady increase in world demand from developing contries.

2. Oil cartel's that see no reason to create a reduction in price.

3. Oil speculators on the world market. 95% of all OIL purchases are being made by non refining enities. We could possibly limit this by US law but there is nothing we can do about other markets that sell oil futures.

4. Greedy oil companies that want to make as much profit as possible.

None of these contributing factors are all the problem, each is a part but they are interactive.

Enough bio-fuels can not be produced in the US to resolve the problem. Food prices are already being effected by farmers that are growing corn for fuel instead of food.

All the kings horses and all the kings men cannot solve the problem, BUT I CAN.
The answer to your question is long and complicated. I will try to be concise.

In one word: Globalists.

There most certainly IS a group of people controlling this, it's called 'market manipulation,' and you'd have to be pretty naive to think it doesn't happen with OIL!!!

Globalist financial institutions like the IMF and World Bank, controlling OPEC, the Federal Reserve and the CFR, who in turn control the neocons and the Bush administration, are all working together to create an ARTIFICIAL CRISIS whereby they can rob Americans blind while imploding our economy.

This is being done through the deliberate inflationary practices of the Federal Reserve, coupled with OPEC's monopolistic tactics, and all enforced by the neocons and OUR MILITARY.

Most of what you're feeling at the pump is the FED devaluing your dollar, which in turn devalues the PETRODOLLAR. That's why it hits you hardest on gasoline. It's lots of inflation, on top of a global commodity that's rising in cost.

But the laws of supply and demand are not much of a factor here. Otherwise, the price at the pump would have dropped when people started using less. But instead, it went UP. Don't give me this BS about people in ';China driving more'; or ';the hippies won't let us drill';... those are just convenient scapegoats spoonfed to the public. The oil market is defying the basic laws of any free market, therefore it's obviously being manipulated.

Most of the profits seem to be going to the IMF and World Bank, then come the oil companies themselves, and the rest is siphoned directly into the pockets of the elite so they can buy up property in Dubai and dump all their US currency into Euros before the whole thing collapses on itself.

We are financing our own demise. But it's not about greed, it's about control. America is under attack, you better believe it! You just can't see it, because it's economic warfare. It's about shutting down our republic, forcing us onto a supranational currency (think Amero).
It is not a secret

The Dollar is worth less so it takes more to buy a barrel of oil

The Euro is worth almost twice as much as the dollar

Why is that??? well this is the first time America has gone to war and not raised taxes '; especially on the top 1% ';

The Jack off GOP has borrowed 600 billion to 1 trillion dollars from China '; remember them the communist menace, they hate communists '; with the constant borrowing the dollar has lost value

Why did they do that you might ask? well they had the war they did not want to fight in Afgansistan against the people that attacked us and the war for profit in Iraq they wanted to fight, but they did not want to bother the rich people with higher taxes.

So the dollar is worth **** and it takes $150.00 of them to buy a barrel of oil. Thats why
The Islamic leaders who want to bust the American economy. Notice how it all began as we got further in debt with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The other so called 'friendly' Islamic countries are all part of the Muslim effort to dominate the world. Don't Believe? To bad for you and others who don't understand Islam.
I'm not sure, but I'd like to state a fact.

Back during the oil crisis of the 1970's, gas hit OVER $5 per gallon. This was in 1970!

This would translate to well over $15 per gallon today.

Just some food for thought.

It's just a temporary shortage, we still pay much less than people in Europe.

The media is blowing this out of proportion, as usual.

I'd much more like to hear why Diesel is ';All of the sudden'; more expensive than Premium 91 Unleaded (For the first time in history).

But the media looks ';over'; these questions.
oh !oh ! i know this !! the powers that be!鈥?/a>

interesting clip , bit long , and no he isnt preaching God. so dont worry he wont being trying save your souls.He does make an interesting point.

when he talks keep in mind how it seems our middle class is under attack with sending all our major manufacturing jobs out of country .Even simple things like customer service to your electric service are being out sourced to other countries.Thats why you can not understand a freakin word they say .

they are doing this to make us poorer so we have to rely on the government for help . which makes us easier to control.

A one world government is a few years away.
There are a couple of co-factors, but mostly the problem is supply and demand. The speculator's aren't helping either, greed is definitely involved.

I'm not sure what the second part of your question means.
There is no one secretly causing these things to happen. Don't be foolish the gas companies are one cause of high gas prices. You can thank people being greedy for alot of our problems.
Well, let see .. gas was $2.30/gal in November 2006 when the Dems took control of Congress. Today $4.15/gal.

Nice work, Dems.
Obama and the environmentalist.They are trying to force the American people to stop driving and buy smaller cars.
it is no secrete it is speculators hired by investors
Future commodities speculators. The ENRON loop
Speculators have been blamed for holding back oil..making the price go up..Baraak will go after them with a vengence
The middle eastern countries to get their boy barrack HUSSEIN obama elected
China, they are using a lot more gas than they used to.
It's a vast right wing conspiracy.
read';';';'; the Wall Street Journal..';
Greedy people
It is the klingons.
the Chinese... They are taking up so much of ';our'; gas!!!!!!
Low supplies, rising economies in India and China, a already fractured world economy...

Republicans. Its no secret. They just want you to think its a secret.

Things always go out of wack during a presidental cycle, so whats new.
The price of a global commodity is not set by someone in secret.

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