Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why do republicans keep distorting the truth about oil prices?


This site was made on August 30 of 2006. It clearly shows gasoline skyrocketed when the president and congress were both republican.

';Kloza said so far the average cost of a gallon of gas peaked this year at $3.036 on Aug. 10 and has come down largely thanks to diminishing hurricane fears.';Why do republicans keep distorting the truth about oil prices?
Econ 101 wasn't part of your college cirriculum I see. You a ';Human Studies'; graduate?Why do republicans keep distorting the truth about oil prices?
What truth about oil prices am I supposed to be distorting now? I didn't get the memo.

So gas prices went up because the price of oil went up. It's a nifty little correlation that when the cost of the raw product increases, so does the cost of the refined product.

And it happened while Bush was president. We know that, too. But Presidents and Congress do not control the price of oil on the internation markets.

But one of the aspects about oil price is that the price goes down if the supply increases. Domestically, our production of oil could be increased significantly, if the Democrats didn't prevent us from developing our petroleum resources. And you don't have to be the majority party in Congress to block legislation.

So, basically, WTF are you going on about? You're not making sense.
I know.. the next thing you know they'll be pointing out things like this:

Average price of oil 2006: $58.30

Average price of oil 2008: $91.48

Thank god the Democrat controlled congress was so effective in keeping oil prices low! Ummmmmmm?
Yes, because CNN is totally unbiased isn't it... I trust the AAA stats more... :/

And anyone that has half a brain knows that it wasn't Bush or Congress (directly anyway) that set the price up... it was a combination of Supply/Demand and Speculators that were setting the price... :/
OPEC Controls the oil prices in the Mid East.

Liberal Environmentalist Democraps Control the oil prices in the West. They won't let oil companies increase the supply which will meet demand and keep the prices low.
And your point? You have not provided linkage to show that

Republicans caused it. And you cannot do so. Just because your wife or girlfriend may be pregnant does not mean that you are the father of the baby.
Why can't liberals grasp simple concepts like supply and demand? There is no schemes that influence oil prices. Just old fashioned economics.
That's not true.. the price of oil started rising in Jan. 2006 because traders in the Future's Market had NO CONFIDENCE in the Pelosi/ Reid Congress. The same reason they are on the rise again.

edited to add: You are right, I meant to say Jan. 2007... Jan 2006 the oil prices were stable, rising only with inflation. The oil prices started to rise dramatically in Jan. 07..after the '06 election after Pelosi/Reid Congress convened..in Jan 07... 2 years ago.. at the same time the oil prices started to rise... thanks for pointing that out... I would hate to be held to any less standard than perfect...
It's all about speculation.
OPEC doesn't take advice or directives from the U.S. Government.

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