Wednesday, April 28, 2010

If Bush and Cheney were impeached and/or kicked out of Washington, would the price of gasoline/oil go down?

it depends who would take charge and what would our foriegn poliy would be, but I think they would go down.If Bush and Cheney were impeached and/or kicked out of Washington, would the price of gasoline/oil go down?
I assume so. I fear their might be some collusion between Bush/Cheney and Saudi Arabia that is keeping prices high.If Bush and Cheney were impeached and/or kicked out of Washington, would the price of gasoline/oil go down?
I think it would depend on how the transition of power went and how long it took.

Yes, in the long run it would go down.
Nope, it'd skyrocket in the short term (markets hate change), and trend ever higher in the longer run because OPEC nations deep down are a little nervous about ticking off Bush.
What justification is there for the gasoline to go down, look at what companies are sell and what people are buying.

We can go to the moon, build a space station, make nuclear energy, but yet the best they can do is average 20mpg
no they have nothing to do with the price of oil.
Not necessarily - but I would gladly pay $10/gal to get them out of DC!!!
That's a hard one... given the escalating situation in the middle east, and the depletion of the world's oil, I highly doubt the price would go down very greatly.
I dont think so at all, because the mess that these pair and their crew put us and the world in is much bigger than that. Iraq unresolved is going to keep the oil prices in an unstable condition. we dont call it mess-o-patamia for no reason. u know? it would be good to c them out of office, maybe someone would or could pick up the pieces, but I doubt it.
Given the fact that neither one of them set the price of gas, I don't think so. Why would they be impeached?
No. Bush and Cheney aren't the reason gas/oil is going up.

The reason it is going up is in part due to Congresses refusal to allow more drilling for new supplies. Now, if Congress, led by liberal Democrats, was to get impeached, that might be a different story.
We'll all find out in just over a year.
Most definitely plus the oil companies wouldn't be pulling in record breaking profits

Implications for US Military with highly inflated oil prices?

Eventually oil is going to run out. When it does, or alternatively when oil is far too expensive, what are the implications for the US military. Aircraft, Tanks, non Nuclear naval vessels, all these things run on oil based products. How much will the influence and power of the US military and indeed all armed forces diminish?Implications for US Military with highly inflated oil prices?
Several things.

The US Strategic Petroleum Reserve can be used for defense purposes. In the event of a major war, you can be absolutely sure that personal travel will be severely curtailed, and as much of that oil will be used for military and defense industry purposes. Comprised of 4 major oil fields, the SPR has a capacity of 1 billion barrels of oil.

The US Air Force is currently testing the use of synthetic jet fuel for use as an aviation fuel. In Sept, a B-52 was flown with two of its eight jet engines equipped to burn a 50:50 blend of conventional jet fuel with synthetically produced jet fuel.

The US Army has been testing bio-fuels in diesel trucks. Its use should be a non-issue. The M1-A1 Abrams tank is powered by a turbine, which can burn a wide variety of fuels, including bio-fuel.

The US has coal reserves equal to 300 years of consumption at current rates. Research is underway to efficienty develop synthetic fuels from coal, including in-situ conversion so the coal would not have to be mined. The US also has huge quantities of oil-containing shale formations in the Rocky Mountains that can be mined and the oil extracted.Implications for US Military with highly inflated oil prices?
Oil is not going to run out in your life time or for the next 1000 years. Don't believe the hype you see on CNN and discovery channel. There are already contracts to drill in Russia and Ukrane which have 30-60000 oil fields that can each power the US's Oil demand for 3-5 years. And that is not including the offshore fields of Natural gas and oil.

American goverenment doesn't pay for anything. When oil prices go up, we just borrow more from the Federal Reserve. and then we print more money. Email me if you want more on the truth about oil
None whatsoever. The US government keeps enough oil in reserve to keep the military fueled up for a century.
the beast will eat every thing in its way.the reason we have a military is to secure oil not just to keep the beast alive but for every 65 year old who spent his entire life to get that motor home or that boat or big car and he isn't going to care how many teen-agers have to die so that he can take the grand kids to the grand canyon.and since your so clueless here's some advice don't make any long term plans.
They already have a plan developed 50 years ago. Thus

hydrogen power, nuclear power in a box...etc. But get rid

or the oil first, so that they cannot mount an attack or defence.

Now you could understand the present nuclear power

suppression activites on Iran and N Korea.

Is,nt it ironic that the OPEC now has to kneel and pray for oil prices to go up?

It is, and it ought to point out the other side of what's an uneasy relationship. As much as we're dependent on their oil, they're dependent on selling oil to us. With some countries, as much as 80-90% of their economies is based on selling crude. Granted, on a historical basis $65 barrel oil is still very high, but some of these countries have gotten too used to triple digits (also keep in mind that $65 isn't what it used to be).Is,nt it ironic that the OPEC now has to kneel and pray for oil prices to go up?
We might be praying to Allah pretty soon, too, because globalist bankers who control OPEC are sending the price of oil down to destroy Saudi Arabia who will then dump the dollar as their oil currency, and when that happens our country will have an economic collapse and a sever depression.Is,nt it ironic that the OPEC now has to kneel and pray for oil prices to go up?
That's why they're rooting for Obama.
allah will provide...stock up on gas now.

Can someone identify potential reasons for the oil prices rising?

Supply and demand... reduced supply coupled with the increasing demand for oil in emerging nations that in the past were less dependent on fossil fuels to power their transportation, industries and heating needs. Oil prices will continue to rise in the future since it is a finite commodity with and every increasing demand.Can someone identify potential reasons for the oil prices rising?
over hype by the media and public panic also the areas that we get it from have political instabilityCan someone identify potential reasons for the oil prices rising?
As more and more oil is taken out of the ground, only the lower grades or more inaccessible oil remains in the ground. These reserves were uneconomical to extract in the past because it was cheaper and faster to get to the higher grade oils and it all sells for the same price. Now these poorer quality deposits are all that remains so if we still want oil, they are our only choice. Methods to extract and refine these grades are much more expensive, so it follows that the price of the oil itself must go up.

Another reason is that Earths population is always increasing so the demand for oil is also increasing, hence prices go up. Theres big big bucks to be made in the oil industry so a lot of greedy people are attracted to it. If they want more money, they're gonna set prices higher. We need oil, and they know we need it enough to pay whatever they ask.

Why does an increase in value of the US dollar lower the price of oil and vice-versa?

I know oil is traded in dollars, but I don鈥檛 quite understand why an increase in dollar value lowers oil prices, or a decrease in dollar value raises oil prices.

Assume I am a UK investor and I have a bank account in GBP. In order to buy barrels of oil I will need to exchange these GBP for USD. Clearly, the higher the value of the USD, the more it costs me in GBP to purchase these USD. Therefore, I don't understand how a stronger dollar still lowers the price of oil. Now, obviously, there is something wrong with this logic, but I am unsure where?Why does an increase in value of the US dollar lower the price of oil and vice-versa?
A stronger dollar lowers the price of oil (and all other goods) when priced in dollars. If the dollar strengthens and the pound weakens, the oil would cost more in pounds.

There are some basic economic principles involved in price levels that's a little too lengthy to describe here. Murray Rothbard wrote a couple of good books if you wanted to do in depth study. ';What Has Government Done to Our Money?'; which can be read for free at and ';Mystery of Banking'; which can be read for free at鈥?/a>

How High would Oil Prices Have to Go to Destroy America?

Untill the libs start REALY bothering people, then the sane community of America will do the only sane thing, abort a liberal...How High would Oil Prices Have to Go to Destroy America?
I think the oil prices will change with a new president that doesn't own oil wells in Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.

They can talk til they are blue in the face but only an idiot would believe that when they are making record profits that they can not bring down the price of their product.

We always get this razzle dazzle, like the ones we got for going to war with Iraq. They told 934 lies in connection with the war. But no one believes the oil companys would lie about this. While they are making more money then they ever have before. Someone is lying?How High would Oil Prices Have to Go to Destroy America?
It's already happening. The price will continue to go up. There is an excuse every day: supply worries, terrorist, President Ahcmanneedajob farted. It will continue until demand goes way down, and then prices will decrease.

Edit: Acyberwin, that all depends on whether you have investments in the oil market in your 401(k).
It's already happening. Compliments of Bush. With evey penny increase it'll get even worse
Doesn't matter. America is here to stay.
Oil would become part of the commons before it destroys America.
it may have allready gotten there

give it a few months
Every company that ships something will have to continue passing the increased cost to the consumer to maintain the same profit margin. However, higher prices will affect consumer demand, leading to either higher prices yet, or the company going out of business, which will lead to high unemployment which will reduce the amount of taxes gathered.

Add into this irresponsible actions by the Federal Reserve that continue to destroy the value of the dollar causing horrible inflation, and you can see we are already on this runaway train.
Nothing that trades publicly like oil will ever destroy the nation by going higher... The higher it goes, the more your 401(k) is worth...
wow, what do they teach you in the Liberal institutions?
  • natural make up
  • I Want to know the exact date on which oil and gas prices rise in june 2008?

    Please help me? Its very Important

    Please suggest other options than library and newspaper.

    Please give internet based solutionsI Want to know the exact date on which oil and gas prices rise in june 2008?
    December 2, 2008

    Please I'm desperate for a ten and I worked hard for this info!

    It might seem strange, but despite the fact that prices at the pumps are down — drastically — most gasoline stations are actually making a better profit margin now on the cost of a gallon of gas than they were over the summer, when prices topped out well above $4.

    “Absolutely. There’s no doubt about it,” said Eugene Guilford, executive director and CEO of the Independent Connecticut Petroleum Association, which represents the majority of the state’s fuel dealers, when asked to confirm this odd phenomenon. “Retailers never passed on the full extent of their wholesale cost increases this past summer when gas was up to $4.25 a gallon. If they did, it would have been substantially higher than that. Retailers ate the difference then.”

    Now, Guilford said, in large part thanks to the global economic downturn and a dramatic drop in the cost of crude oil, retailers have been able to adjust their margins and reap a better profit per gallon, whereas this summer, simply to stay competitive, most stations were selling at cost or sometimes even at a loss.

    “It’s much more sort of business as usual right now. We get to actually make money for what we do for lower prices, and customers are happy,” Guilford said. “It’s absolutely a win-win situation. Retailers always want prices to be lower. They get to make more normal margins.”

    Anwar Afrede, the owner of the EZ Mart CITGO station at 271 East Main St. in Meriden, agreed. Over the summer, Afrede complained that, despite record prices at the pumps, his station was making barely any profit at all on a gallon of gas.

    Now, he said Wednesday, with a price of $1.73 at his station, “things are back to normal,” and he’s even able to bring in “a little bit more in savings.”

    According to figures released by the American Automobile Association Tuesday, the cost of a gallon of regular gasoline in Connecticut was $1.88, down from $2.36 in November, and prices have dropped for five straight months after peaking at $4.39 a gallon on July 9. Last year at this time, the average price in the state for a gallon of regular was $3.23.

    “We have never seen anything like this before,” said Steven Guveyan, executive director of the Connecticut Petroleum Council, a statewide association that represents the oil and natural gas industry. “It’s extraordinary.”

    But according to the Associated Press, rumors that Saudi Arabia would significantly cut its oil production led to a volatile day of crude oil trading Wednesday, with prices swinging upward as high as 10 percent before finally settling at $43.52 a barrel.

    The price of a gallon of crude oil is directly tied to the price of a gallon of gasoline, according to the American Petroleum Institute, a national industry trade association. Crude reached a 2008 low of $40.50 a barrel last week.

    “The cost of crude oil really is a proxy for the economy,” Guveyan said. “When the economy booms, prices are up; when the economy tanks, it takes oil down with it.”

    And right now, said Matt Rafferty, an economics professor at Quinnipiac University, the global economy is most certainly in the tank.

    “… There’s been a global collapse in economic activity, which lowers the price in oil, which affects a lot of other goods and services,” Rafferty said.

    The effects of this tumultuous gas market and the current economic crisis can be glimpsed locally in a number of area stations that have closed in the past year, including a CITGO on Chamberlain Highway in Meriden where the windows are boarded up and the cost of a gallon of regular remains fixed at $4.37, a holdover from the summer.

    Guilford said that his organization does not keep statistics on station closings, and that he is not aware of a dramatic increase in that area.

    “I can’t say that I’ve noticed there’s an unusually different number (of stations closing) this year than last or in previous years,” Guilford said.

    Despite a better profit margin, Afrede said that he still considers things far from normal, both in the gasoline retail business and the economy in general, and noted that a sluggish economy tends to lead to motorists pumping less gas, no matter how low it might be priced.

    “Right now, it’s a recession. People have no money - the volume is about the same as it was when it was near five dollars a gallon this summer,” he said. “Thank God it’s lower at this time of year; people can breathe a little and think about Christmas.”

    But Kevin Danby, owner of A1 Auto Services farther down East Main Street, said prices have already started to rise.

    “As of today, it’s tightened up a bit,” Danby said Wednesday.

    That’s not surprising, Rafferty said, noting that, based on economic history, motorists should not expect these bargain-basement prices to last forever.

    “My guess is that when the global economy moves towards recovery, oil prices will begin to rise again,” he said. “As loI Want to know the exact date on which oil and gas prices rise in june 2008?
    Sorry about that I guess I just got a little caried away): I just really wanted a 10 for best answer so thanks for the vote even tohugh I probably don't deserve it because I copied it off of Report Abuse

    Why do we have to pay higher gas prices, when the oil companies made their biggest profits ever!?

    Everytime something happens with the oil ';ie'; pipe lines break, war, hurricanes etc... We are the ones who have to pay. I think the oil companies and their billions of dollars in profits should shell some of it out. What are your thoughts?Why do we have to pay higher gas prices, when the oil companies made their biggest profits ever!?
    It's the system we live in that called Capitalism, where big businesses rule. The government cannot legally order them to lower their profit margin, it's called open market, price is determined by demand / supply. They do pretty much what they want to do, plus, they are smart, they gives many of us their small shares by means of stocks, and now all of us who hold the stocks are also interested in the big businesses making more profit.Why do we have to pay higher gas prices, when the oil companies made their biggest profits ever!?
    because Goerge Bush is a gready son of a B. The government makes a ton of money from the oil companies. We really need to do smoething about alternative fuel not just for auto's but for everything. Gas and electric companies are killing us too. I really wish that someone could start working more on Nuclear. It is the best thing that could happen to the US.
    Unfortunately, the gas companies are all about making money to give the their shareholders. They are not concerned about anything else. They many try to convey the idea that they are concerned about the environment and the US, but it all comes down to the mighty dollar. We have the technology to have cars run on other types of fuel. Why don't we see this? Guess who is behind that. Yup the oil companies. It is truly an unfortunate situation that needs to be fixed.
    Greed. That's the only thing I can say.

    Price to fix rear seal oil leak 2001 nissan frontier?

    Almost never it is the rear crank seal most times it is the oil pan rear rubber gasket. Have it checked carefully. Your talking about 3.3 liter v-6 right?

    With oil prices currently at record lows, why aren't we seeing gas prices drop?

    Right now, the price of oil is trading at about 89.00 per barrel. When oil was traded at $144 a barrel, we never paid more than $4.00 per gallon. Why are we still paying $3.50 per gallon at the pumps when the price of oil has almost been cut in half? Looking at that math, we shouldn't be paying over $2.25 per gallon at current oil prices. What exactly am I missing here? With oil prices currently at record lows, why aren't we seeing gas prices drop?
    start thinking that 4.50 a gallon will be the good ole days... as soon as the US gets out of the economic recession expect light crude to jump to over 200 + a barrel.With oil prices currently at record lows, why aren't we seeing gas prices drop?
    You need to move.

    It's around $2.90 a gallon in NJ.
    Because of corporate greed.
    Oil prices have dropped 40% since July. They had excuses as to why the prices were going up, and now they have excuses for them not going down. Remember when oil companies advertised their gasoline? Now they spend money on ads to convince you that they're the good guys, while they rob you blind at the pump.
    Pure corporate thievery. And they want more tax breaks too. .
    Carbon taxes

    Its still $C1.25 a liter here. About $U5.00 per gallon.
    Supply/Demand. With Hurricane Ike, refineries and pipelines were shut down up to 2 weeks. When there isn't a great demand, oil goes down (main reason for that right now-no one has money to buy gas). It will continue to go down once the regular flow to the pipelines is complete and all refineries are up and running. Unless people start buying it all up again, then it will go up.
    Well it is a 2 fold deal. When oil prices go up, we see a jump at the pump because gas stations sell gas at a price that will allow them to purchase gas at the higher price when they need more. When prices drop, it takes longer to see it at the pump, because gas stations are not going to sell the gas for less then they paid for it. So it jumps fast and comes down slower.

    Did you know that the Bilderberg Group has set a target price for oil at $200 a barrel?

    at the moment it's about $138 right?

    so you can expect gas prices to keep rising %26amp; rising.

    btw, who voted for these people anyway?!!!鈥?/a>鈥?/a>Did you know that the Bilderberg Group has set a target price for oil at $200 a barrel?
    Here鈥檚 a link to an article from September 17, 2007. Nearly nine months ago what we are experiencing today was outlined in this article.鈥?/a>

    If anyone still considers this a foolish conspiracy theory, I would suggest that they reevaluate their position because this is no longer a projection or a prediction. It is happening right now. It involves the relationship between many factors such as the value of our currency. If you are still unconvinced that they are purposely eliminating the middle class, you are in denial. Your money is literally vanishing right before your very eyes. This is noticeable on several fronts. Responsible people who saved their whole lives so that they might enjoy a few good years of retirement are lucky to get 3% on their savings in a money market account. If they risked it in our heavily manipulated stock market, they鈥檙e likely in even greater pain. Look at a chart of the USDX.

    Our USD has lost nearly 10% of its value in the last year alone. We鈥檙e in just the very beginning of a severe economic downturn that could easily make the last Depression look like a Sunday walk in the park.

    Today, the Fed indicated coming increases in the Discount Rate. If they do raise the rate at this point, they will hasten the fall of the USD. If they don鈥檛, they will hasten the fall of our little empire because of the message it sends to housing and then to all structured products. The Fed is in panic mode. They鈥檙e between a rock and a hard place an there鈥檚 no east way out. Do you think they will allow themselves to suffer for their greed and irresponsibility? Think again middle class. You will take the fall as you鈥檝e always done in the past. By the way, Timothy F. Geithner (President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York) attended the last Bilderberg meeting.

    Does your government have you convinced that inflation is low with its statistics? I read the national average for gas was about four bucks per gallon. Here in Loss Angeles I filled my tank with regular yesterday. I paid $4.59.99 for mine. I鈥檓 on the coast. You鈥檇 think it would be cheaper here, right next to the Port of Lost Angeles and the many refineries in this area. If you want to see some more accurate stats look at this site.

    You might want to buy a few gold and silver coins while they鈥檙e still cheap if you want to preserve some of you money. Read about the Weimar Republic and see if you can draw any parallels to what you see happening around you today. I hope you all sleep well knowing that everything is under control and the men behind the curtain are just a conspiracy theory.


    Impeach Bush?

    I鈥檓 Ron Paul all the way, but Kucinich looks good in this video.鈥?/a>Did you know that the Bilderberg Group has set a target price for oil at $200 a barrel?
    It's funny b/c the big companies that come out and say that oil is going to keep going up are the same companies that own these oil futures. They say these things that sparks bedlam in the markets and thus runs the price of oil up even more, netting them a nice profit. Its beautiful for them, but all of us have to pay for it!!!
    Very interesting, Strangely, I am rather uninformed as to the agenda of the Bilderberg Group!

    But they are certainly something to be taken notice of, and acted on before we lose what little we have left!
    Assuming that's true (BIG assumption) what are you proposing be done? If people really want to ';stick it to them';, CUT YOUR DEMAND for their product.

    Democrats 2008
    yes there plans to destroy the middle class is well under way

    Remember when Obama kept saying Bush should take the troops out of Irag NOW. Or ask why oil prices were high?

    So why are gas prices going up again? Why are we still in Iraq.

    He bitched all the why up to the election saying we need to pull the troops.............Remember when Obama kept saying Bush should take the troops out of Irag NOW. Or ask why oil prices were high?
    The man is a career politician who said what he knew it would take to get the brainwashed idiots on the left side of the isle to vote for him,Remember when Obama kept saying Bush should take the troops out of Irag NOW. Or ask why oil prices were high?
    Looks like the right is out in full force this morning!! Got your fingers on the delete switch?

    He's been in office since Jan. 20!!! Have you people even kept your New Year's resolutions? I bet not. No matter who you voted for the troops would still be there, the oil prices would still be doing what they are doing, and Sarah Palin might be Vice President. Egads not that!!

    Ya just gotta have sometning to Bit-h about. If it's not working a year from now I'll probably be right there with you and I'm one of your liberal dems. And if McCain happened to get elected I would have given him a year too. I wonder how GW is sleeping these nights in his $2 million

    home while people are losing their houses across the country?
    Normal market pressures, a trillion dollar Swiss hedge fund had invested in American oil. Between them and those who followed their money, the price of American oil was nearly $150/barrel. Once they pulled out, and all those who followed them did likewise, Oil returned to normal. Now it's just normal market pressures. Obviously, you're crying the sky is falling over a couple of bucks and ignoring the fact that it was three times the current price not a few months ago.

    Do you advocate a disorderly and panicky retreat? Then why would you want him to withdraw without preparation and deliberateness? Are you trying to portray an image of fear and weakness?

    We will pull out on our own time table and in all organized deliberateness. Not the panicked retreat as you advocate.
    High energy prices are Democrat policy.

    You need only pay a little attention to them BETWEEN elections and when the prices aren't already at ';bitching-level.';

    Obama said we ';need'; at least $5-6 per gallon gas. So did Gore, so does the entire DNC Congressional Caucus.
    Because President Obama's master plan did not survive his first day in office.......None of us can even come close to understanding what it is like to be the leader of the free world and I am afraid that President Obama was less prepared than I feared. Maybe now he understands just how daunting his task is.
    Shame on him too !

    We are a Country at war ! Dah ! You can't just say ';im in office,send the troops home...NOW !!!';

    Anyone who believed that was being naive or plain stupid. But the worst part is obama played dirty because what loved one of a soldier doesn't love the sound of the words ';Im going to bring them home'; ??

    obama said and did what ever it took to get in the White House.

    I don't think he really put much thought into anything more.

    he played the race card,he played the emotion card,he played the deceiveing card....he played a dirty hand but he played it well !!
    He just said that to get voted in, gas will keep going up that is what the dems want so we all buy Hybrids and give our money to who really owns gov't . Soro's- NBC, MSNBC owner and richest guy in the world who wants the world to be one country. Possibly the anti-christ--- Watch the movie LEFT BEHIND . Its a trilogy and whats in the bible is starting to happen NOW! Scary!
    Because Obama had no intention of keeping that campaign ';promise';. He told the American public what they wanted to hear and the sheep flocked to the voting booth and cast their ballot for the empty suit full of empty promises.
    Why dissing OBAMA, morons? He just got elected . Blame the white trash bush for this ****! It's him who put us in this situation!!!
  • natural make up
  • The war in Iraq is a fraud for high oil prices. What do you think is the appropriate punishment the next?

    government should impose on Bush and all his cronies including the Oil Corps?The war in Iraq is a fraud for high oil prices. What do you think is the appropriate punishment the next?
    Talk to Nancy Pelosi who owns major stock in oil.

    Oh wait... That's different, isn't it?The war in Iraq is a fraud for high oil prices. What do you think is the appropriate punishment the next?
    they are war criminals and should be tried in the hague.
    Boy, I've heard that mantra for almost 4 years now. No one has ever backed that up with any evidence. I've not seen and increase in supply here in the states either (to lower prices). so, put up or shut up.
    Why don't you do things the American way and just not buy oil Products? According to the Democrats the oil companies are the most evil industries in the world. Why don't you all just boycott their products and refuse to buy them instead of being hypocrites and demanding their products at a lower price while you try to put them out of business?
    We import more oil from Canada, Mexico, and Venezuela than any middles east country. Nice try though.
    Psssstttt...hey buddy, your lack of ability to grasp complicated concepts is showing. Might wanna zip up (your lip) before someone realizes that you lack the capacity to grasp situations of this nature and tend to state them in overly simplistic terms that you can understand and consequently agree with. Just a suggestion....
    I guess you haven't been watching the news. The latest thing to raise gas prices are the oil refineries that need ';tweaking.'; Every summer and winter, the oil companies run into a problem that forces them to cut production and raise prices so they don't lose their profits. This has been going on well before the war in Iraq started.
    9/11 infuriated the American people and gave the Bush administration an excuse to over throw a government who was harboring terrorist,destroy the opium fields in Afghanistan and to establish a foothold in the middle east and Iraq. Some would say its oil but the US Military runs on oil and high prices mean more war expenses. If Bush did nothing after 9/11 they would hang him so killing terrorist is a good excuse. Controlling the world economy is the objective.
    I eat spam.
    The war in Iraq is NOT a fraud for high oil prices.

    Enough said

    even god loves a liberal....lfmao

    john edwards pre flip flop


    nancy p

    did you happen to ';forget'; about the PRO WAR votes that dissapeared off the radar that they made.

    bottom line here. you need a fact checker.

    here is no impeachable crime and therefore is no punishment.

    hearing you liberals whine is punishment enough thanks.
    I'm not sure why we went to Iraq.(The real reasons).
    No I think we wanted to bring democracy to Iraq....and we still is just taking a little longer...
    Well, that is a debatatable question.

    If the voters (that means you all) think that way, it will decide the fate of the Bush Govt.

    Do the Dems in Congress believe that supply/demand effects the price of oil or not?

    Here is Senator Chuch Schumer on the floor of the Senate: May 13 2008.

    ';I, along with my good colleagues Senator Dorgan, Senator Casey, Senator Klobuchar and Senator Casey plan to submit a Senate Resolution that would block all four pending arms deals to Saudi Arabia, which together total almost $1.4BN, unless Saudi Arabia increases its oil production by 1 million barrels per day above its January 2008 output level. '; ';In turn, that would lower the price of gasoline between 13 percent and 17 percent, or by more than 62 cents off the expected summer regular-grade price';

    However, when it comes to ANWR and offshore drilling, the democrats conveniently stop believing in the law of supply/demand and say that its speculators driving up the price.

    (The IEA says that is not so) And that even if we did drill and add 1 million barrels/day of ';our'; oil, that it would only lower the price by a ';few cents';.

    Who can tell me the truth behind the Democrats ';game';Do the Dems in Congress believe that supply/demand effects the price of oil or not?
    Big oil and Dick Cheney are not to blame for the high price of gasoline, the democrats are the ones to blame. And before the November election the democrats will be squirming like a bunch of cats on a hot tin roof.Do the Dems in Congress believe that supply/demand effects the price of oil or not?
    I think they may have some understsnding, but absolutely no idea what to do about it. Just tell you what they think you want to hear. We need some one to tell the truth about this and do what is needed even if it hurts.
    Supply and demand does not control the price of oil. When the supply (and thus the price) is controlled by a cartel, supply and demand does not apply.

    That is why we have anti-monopoly laws in the USA. Republicans always want to block such legislation at the same time proclaiming they are proponents of supply and demand.

    Edit: Sorry if you believe the price of oil is not controlled by OPEC, then you the one in denial. I have no idea what the democrats in congress think.

    Ok, I need someone to explain this to me...when the price of oil was going up everyday?

    the price of gas was going up by the that the price of oil has come down somewhat, gas prices are still going up...what gives?....and don't tell me its supply and demand, they already know driving was down during the holiday weekend....

    Poll: Chicken BLT Wrap or Turkey ClubOk, I need someone to explain this to me...when the price of oil was going up everyday?
    do you know that George W. Bush is also an oil tycoon?Ok, I need someone to explain this to me...when the price of oil was going up everyday?
    Well (turkey on wheat), I was told that the gas is purchased long in advance of the date of delivery so that the price you pay now is for gas that was purchased 2 or more weeks ago at whatever the market price was then.

    Which makes no sense to me either but it's enough of a distraction to keep me occupied whilst they rob me blind at the pump.
    further proof that big oil is ripping us off, plain and simple...if the supply and demand theory was true, then why is heating oil up to $4.39/ gallon from$3.29 over the winter??? i dont know anyone who has their heat on right now so their is no demand.....i have a feeling that even if everyone stopped driving their cars all together, they would just skyrocket the price to make up for the loss
    The oil companies are greedy b@stards that rake in billions of dollars and don't care about anything but the bottom line. Not to mention the fact that our so-called leaders refuse to do anything about it.....want to know how I really feel?

    Cause somebody is a dumbass. What about these poor people who can hardly afford to drive to work? What are gonna do about this? I'm so sick of it...

    Chicken BLT Wrap today, that sounds sooo good.
    It is called downward sticky pricing. Price of oil and gas goes thru the roof quickly. Oil goes down a little gas goes down none.
    Easy, Mr. H.

    Because they can, the jackals.
    You are forgeting the cost of refining that oil into gas.

    Turkey Club
    BLT Wrap

    We are in for a BIG wakup call soon

    Why dont we as americans do some thing about oil prices?

    after hearing about the car that runs on compressed air you would think that u.s goverment and car makers would go nuts about this new technology but no they love to pay high prices for oilWhy dont we as americans do some thing about oil prices?
    Americans, and the American big business, especially the oil companies are the prime cause of the price hikes.

    If Americans stopped buying ';gas-guzzling'; cars and SUVs then part of the problems would be solved.

    If the US stopped using oil for their heating and started using other renewable energy sources for heating then more of the problem would be solved.

    If the Oil Companies stopped buying the patents on researched other renewable energy sources and started to actually invest in the renewable resources, then even more of the problem would be solved.Why dont we as americans do some thing about oil prices?
    We haven't built a new refinery in over thirty years in this country. One has been proposed in South Dakota but it will take 7 to 10 years before it can clear the environmental and regulatory hurdles to be built and operating. At the same time we have required the existing refineries to put together over 50 types of blended gasoline to meet various Federal, state and local environmental laws. During all this time we have filled our streets and highways with more and more gasoline-powered vehicles, including huge fleets of delivery vans because of e-commerce.

    In short, to quote ';Pogo';, we have met the enemy and he is us.
    As a people, we have the power. It takes enough people to vote for the candidates that will go against the big money and do the research. There should be boycotts of gas for one day to show that people will get together in numbers that can't be ignored.
    What energy source do they use to compress the air? Oil?
    We can do something. Get rid of the gas guzzlers. Who needs an SUV unless weather is a huge factor in your area? By lowering demand, the prices would naturally fall.
    Unfortunately overthrowing our government is prohibited by Law!Until those Greedy Bastardss are taken out of office we are held by their lust for $$$$$$$$$.I think it would be appropriate to throw them all in a huge Oil Tank ,with Gold bricks tied to their feet as an anchor!!
    No that is not true. It is the environmentalist's who feel that off shore drilling will endanger sea life. But don't take my word for it do your homework, there have been many more oil spills from oil barges than off shore drilling rigs. We are going to let China do this off the shore of Florida. Our government wants us dependent on them. That is the bottom line.
    The big greedy oil companies prevent alternative technologies,by buying the patents for them and putting them under lock and key.This prevents other technologies from being developed and assures them that people will be held in bondage to oil thus increasing their profits.

    Why does Fed exclude oil and food in the core soncumer price index?

    Economists often exclude food and energy price movements when evaluating the underlying level of inflation. Food and energy price movements tend to be relatively volatile in the short-to-intermediate terms, making only transitory impacts on the all items CPI.

    Large rises in these prices are often followed by large decreases, and vice versa. Volatility in food and energy price movements, such as that caused by unusual weather conditions, is generally self-correcting. Inclement weather often leads to temporary food shortages and temporarily increased demand for household fuels. Sustained shifts in food and energy prices, of course, will affect overall inflation.Why does Fed exclude oil and food in the core soncumer price index?
    Actually, they report CPI with those items and without. The reason the CPI excluding energy and food is even focused on is because those items are the most volatile and people who use CPI (bankers, investors, business people, etc.) understand that over time the core CPI, or the number excluding food and energy, is the most meaningful number.Why does Fed exclude oil and food in the core soncumer price index?
    cuzz they have amillion packets in one truck
    I think their reason is that historically these prices fluctuated very little compared to other things, but, between you and me, it's so that they can keep their numbers down, so that it doesn't look like inflation is as bad as it is, so that people are content with their stagnant wages.

    I Gordon Brown right to blame Labours current defeats on the price of oil, food and petrol?

    1. Isn't he the ex-Chancellor who has taxed petrol to unheard of levels?

    2. Isn't he the Prime Minister who is supporting the growth of Bio-fuels, and isn't his increases in petrol duty are passed on to food retailers by the hauliers?

    3. There is only a tiny fraction less of oil in the world today over a couple of years ago, so isn't the increase in oil prices is all down to speculation, as oil is traded like any other comodity, and isn't this speculation in oil a result of traders dropping the US dollar like a hot potato thanks to the crisis brought about by the unregulated practices of Banks in the US and in the UK, under a Chancellor who seemed to have turned a blind eye because at the time it was making him look as though he was creating a booming economy?

    No matter what Gordon Brown says.. ultimately if he hadn't squandered the gains during the period of expansion, he would have money in the kitty to cut back on petrol duty etc and make things a bit easier for everyoneI Gordon Brown right to blame Labours current defeats on the price of oil, food and petrol?
    Any increase in demand would only further fuel speculation, so it's self defeating.

    If you wanted to do something, then the G8 could get together and and move to require higher margins on commodity options, and that would make the commodity bubble bursting a more soft-landing as well as slowing the rate of increases.I Gordon Brown right to blame Labours current defeats on the price of oil, food and petrol?
    i have the perfect answer. labors have nothing to do with it. Its the DOLLAR that is the problem, it is worth less now. so gas prices go up. another reason is because it is legal for the gas companies to raise prices, it is thier oil. The reason why the DOLLAR is worth less is becuase America is importing more than exporting, we buy more than sell, China is to blame for this because they have started making thier own stuff, instead of making stuff from americans like it used to be.Japan is also going to be mad if china starts making car companies.
  • natural make up
  • Do you belive the high cost of Gasoline is due to the price of crude oil, a corp. scandal, or just plain greed

    Well first off supply and demand have a lot to do with it, esepcailly with china having such a new demand for gas, the worlds demand is now more, increasing the cost.

    There is also corporate greed, but it is in OPEC, and the foreign countries that sell oil, they know they can make more money if they limit it, therefore they do. Once one person limits it is is easier for other to do the same, or at least charge the same price.

    You can call corporations in america greedy, but in the end a corporation taht does not make money is no good, they are still businesses after all, Although their profits may seem high, we have been asking more and more from them, esepcailyl when plants are runnign at near full capacity, they are looking at big investments to add new refineries and such (which not to mention the problem that we all want them, just not in our back yard.)

    We need to curve fuel usage to, simple supply and demand shows us that without the demand the price can not remain high, or at least not succesfully so. I don't see this changing any time soon, most of our driving is nessisary, and and cars gas milage has continued to get better, yes SUV's use more gas then cars, and a lot of people have them who shouldn't, but in general thigns are getting better, there is not really a whole lot we can do about it. Just be glad we do not live in Europe where gas can cost $5-6 due to all the governments taxes.Do you belive the high cost of Gasoline is due to the price of crude oil, a corp. scandal, or just plain greed
    Don't forget that gasoline also has additives. these are other chemicals that are added to the base mix to help reduce emissions. what we are seeing in the SW is that we've been regulated to use the same mix that is used in Southern california, but the local refineries cannot locate adequate supply of them. So, prices go up independent of oil.Do you belive the high cost of Gasoline is due to the price of crude oil, a corp. scandal, or just plain greed
    A combination of all of them, plus taxes
    supply and demand the more we demand the higher the price
    it's a government scandel i tell ya
    combination of all...
    I think it's because of the corporation prices. The corporation prices can get higher as the world is running out of natural oil drilled to in the ground. When corporations sell to other corporations they usually sell higher to the second corporation.
    I Think it is just plain greed.

    Bob Woodward said in April 04 that Bush had a deal with Saudis to cut price of oil in time for the election.?

    Are the Saudis doing the Bush same favor again?

    Yahoo News article says Saudis are the only member of OPEC which does not want to cut production, thus they are the ones now keeping oil prices ';low';. Woodward's source in 04 was a good one, Prince Bandar.鈥?/a> Woodward said in April 04 that Bush had a deal with Saudis to cut price of oil in time for the election.?

    Will said

    ';Gas prices are a function of supply and demand';

    This is absolutely correct,, and the supply of oil is manipulated to control pricing more than any other commodity.Bob Woodward said in April 04 that Bush had a deal with Saudis to cut price of oil in time for the election.?
    ...and if you can't believe Bob Woodward, whom can you believe? (A little sarcasm there)

    If Bush and the Saudis could set the price of gas in advance of an election, don't you think we'd be at a buck a gallon right now?
    How long did it take you to figure this out?? A Rhodes Scholar you are not.

    Bush and the Suadis have been in bed together to the point that Bush can best be called an ARAB WHORE.
    The Saudis saved the US during the failed Carter years by increasing oil production.

    The Saudis have always been against cutting oil production just to hurt America.

    Pick %26amp; choose is not truthful. And neither is Woodward.


    Gas prices are a function of supply and demand. Demand goes up during summer and there is ALWAYS a drop in the fall. But somehow, when it's election time and there's a Republican president, he's manipulating the price.
    Too bad the gas prices can't be as low as bush's iq
    Since they are opec members, why is Opec crying about prices. You anti-Bush folks need to take your meds and go outside for awhile.

    Now that Bush has lowered oil prices to $127 per barrel, should I run out and buy a new V10 SUV?

    with all the money I made from my oil company investments?Now that Bush has lowered oil prices to $127 per barrel, should I run out and buy a new V10 SUV?
    I have a good laugh every time I pass what I refer to as a ';BUSH MOBILE'; on the highway.

    You know the ones I'm talking about.... the SUV's with the ';W'; sticker on the back. Although I have noticed quite a few that appear to have had the sticker removed lately, leaving a tell-tale glue residue on the vehicle.

    You can tell by the drivers 'smiling' face (not), that he is glad that he supported the Republicans in the last election.... LMAO !!!Now that Bush has lowered oil prices to $127 per barrel, should I run out and buy a new V10 SUV?
    $127 is still ludicrously high. That problem was caused by Bush policies and huge debt which lead to decline in value of the dollar. and lack of leadership in developing new drilling while he still had a totally Republican congress for six years.

    Of course now our fearless leader wants to blame it on the Democrats paltry lead, but hey that's all he has ever done.

    Bush didn't lower it either, supposedly supply and demand did, another bone of contention since demand never rose all that much between lunch and dinner that it required another sixty cents to adjust it.

    You only make money if you sell your stock at a profit after deducting fees. You want to buy an huge SUV, nows the time, they can't give them away anymore.
    Now listen children to a story that was written long ago 'bout a Kingdom on a mountain and a valley far below..... In the Kingdom, people drove big cars that got maybe 8 miles to the gallon going down hill with a tail wind! In the valley they drove Toyota's, Datson's and VWs. When the price of gas went through the roof, the Kingdom dumped their gas-guzzlers at fire sale prices and bought what the people in the valley had been driving. Who bought those big cars? Smart people, because back then, those big cars were worth having, classics in their own time! If you did that today, you'd be a fool because the big gas-guzzling cars that are out there now, are not and will never be 'classic'.
    Don't get why you are giving Bush credit for lowering gas prices. The price has dropped because not everyone can afford to fill their tanks on these kind of prices. Memorial day proved to be the worst travel holiday since the late seventies. Guess Bush should have gotten those stimulus checks out sooner.
    These are the things the Oil Gods admitted to Congress last week:

    -The USA is already producing more oils in the US then Iran, Iraq and Venezuela........... but the European Oil Corporations still want to drill in Alaska..... on public land.... and for free

    -The Oil Corporations are only producing at a 80% capacity...... but claims that there are not enough oils

    -Demands are low

    -Supplies are high..... but they still claims that there are not enough oils

    -It cost $10 to make a barrel of oils but the oil corporations trade it on the market for $130/barrel..... oils came from public land in the USA

    -Each CEO's is currently making $36,000,000/yr + $60,000,000 in stocks + Profit sharing ( Big $$ )

    - They all work for European Oil Corporations = Your $$ goes to Europe = weak US $$$

    Now, why are the oils produce in the US the same price as the oils produce in Saudi Arabia?

    Now again, but slower.....

    why--- are--- the--- oils--- produced--- in--- the--- USA--- the ---same--- price------ as--- the--- oils--- produced--- in ---Saudi Arabia?
    Well, I have to give you credit. As you all blamed him for the oil prices, it is nice to see at least one of you having the decency to give him credit for the decline in prices anyway. lol.
    I always thought a fancy car, an SUV, a jeep, etc. were all for looking at instead of sure, buy what you like and admire it in your driveway.
    In a free-market, capitalist society, it is your choice how to spend you rmoney.

    Of course if Hillary or Obama gets into office, your paycheck belongs to them.
    I would stick with my small car. Bush has a tendency of changing his mind like most woman do.
    They make a V10 SUV?? Wasn't aware of that, but yes, yes you should do exactly that!
    Cute, but I know you really love Bush. (Love to hate him that is.)
    bush hasn't lowered dick!

    go buy whatever the hell you wanna buy it's non of my business
    Well, you never know if what you read on the Internet is true or not, but ';Me 2';s answer is very scary sounding.
    Finance with a sub-prime loan.
    Yes, that's what I did with mine.

    You should go hitch a ride on Algore's private jet.
    Not unless you are a total fool! Why don't you move if you hate the USA and her government so badly?

    Are Oil men Bush and Cheney pushing oil prices up to make extra billions since both men are lame ducks?


    There are bigger eggs to fry then what these two zealots are doing.

    I like this idea.

    I believe the oil companies need to be nationalized and the profits go back to the people in the form of lower taxes.Same with our communications systems.

    Where I live in China as a transplanted American, both are nationalized and a gallon of gas costs about a buck less, and my cell phone bill is obscenely little. About $15 a month and I use it extensively.

    Plus, I pay zero sales tax, and tax on a home is very small to non existent, plus I have no income tax, despite that I make considerably more then the average person.

    There is a lot of revenue to be made off of both which gives the people more disposable income. A win for the government, a win for the people, a win for our economy. It will just pizzzz off the fat cats, one that some love to support, yet they don't give a rats behind about their supporters.

    Think about it.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC




    .Are Oil men Bush and Cheney pushing oil prices up to make extra billions since both men are lame ducks?
    Maybe you should at least get out of school before you make insane suggestions like this.

    If you want to know the reason gas is so high, look at the promises made by both Hillary and Obama that if they are elected, they are going to take the profits from the oil companies and give it to the poor. The gas companies are raising their gas prices before either one of them gets into office so at least this money can't be taken from them. I can't really blame the oil companies for this move but if you really want to blame someone, blame Hillary and Obama.

    Bush isn't an oil man any more. He sold off all of his oil stocks before he became president.Are Oil men Bush and Cheney pushing oil prices up to make extra billions since both men are lame ducks?
    I love how people try to pretend that there is no connection between Bush/Cheney and the oil industry.

    It has been well established the first order of business when elected was to bring in oil company execs to set energy policy.
    The one most amazing thing I have learned since I have been on this site is the economic passion that completely economic ignorant people have.
    Yes and they are making sure they have their super duper experimental equipment turned on high to suck the intelligence out of everyone who disagrees with them, and it looks like they've been very successful with you.
    haha, such power you give to those guys....not any of it is true though, why do you lie like this?,,,, just to get a bunch of answers,, we know you don't really believe it.
    Where are they keeping this so called oil? In Bushes back yard in drums? Good grief. Prove you allegations.
    Yeah that's it. They have that figured it, you are smart!
    No, neither has anything to do with oil prices..
    They are building up there retirement , money goes to money !!
    Explain exactly how they would do that
    No. Just a happy coincidence. (For them.)

    You look how you talk....

    (lol, wink)
    Wow....of all the ignorant questions on this board, this has to be in the top 10.
    yes thats right...

    Do people really not understand that the price of gas has to do with oil company profits, not the Iraq War?

    If so what do you think the secret meeting Bush and Cheney had with the oil execs days after taking office were all about? He promised him them that they could have gas at $5 before his second term expired. That was WAY before 9-11.Do people really not understand that the price of gas has to do with oil company profits, not the Iraq War?
    Am I the only person who laughs when I see ';the price at the pump has nothing to with profit'; and then ';it's supply and demand';.

    The companies control how much oil is refined. In fact, if you do research you'll find oil companies purchasing refineries and then closing them down to keep production lower.

    So yes, the cost per barrel is a commodity and part of the rise is due to declining dollar value (oil is purchased in US currency only) and the bid-war for oil versus the euro but don't be stupid and believe that oil companies can't artificially inflate the price at the pump and don't think they haven't suppressed technology to keep us on oil. In fact, there's a patent from the 70's for a working engine running off hydrogen (made internally from seawater).

    Edit: My mistake, I checked and Francisco Pacheco had a small working engine by the 1940's.Do people really not understand that the price of gas has to do with oil company profits, not the Iraq War?
    It's about supply and demand AND that this country has not built a single gas/oil distillation plant since Jimmy Carter set new standards for the EPA. Just like Iran, they sit atop the world's third largest known oil deposit and yet because they have not built any gas/oil distillation plants, they are forced to IMPORT rather than export. Yep! They're making HUGE profits, and you keep buying huge, gas guzzling, behemoth SUVs. Isn't capitalism great?!! Your ';Secret'; meeting was so incredibly secret, it's on par with the von Schleffan Plan.
    No, he didn't. Bush was surprised to hear that prices were supposed to hit $4 a gallon in the next year. Of course it's not a good thing for a president to appear surprised and distressed at a live press conference, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have been stupid enough to make such a promise. It would be political suicide.

    That being said, oil company profits are a big factor in gas prices, but the government doesn't have much to do with that. I'm sure the government would be lowering prices if they could, since the prices are making people really angry and jeopardizing the politicians' power.

    Another factor in the price of oil is that the oil reserves are starting to run low. This year Saudi Arabia has triple the number of oil pumps it had operating in 2003, and they're still not producing as much as they did then. They're acting as though it's a voluntary supply decrease, of course, but the statistics prove otherwise.

    So let's get our butts off oil. :)
    wow. i never knew bush could control the whole world's oil consumption demands, and thus, control the price of oil. i'll bet he controls the weather, too. after all, that makes just about as much sense. (rolls eyes)
    Wrong on both counts. Oil prices are set on the open market and the demand has skyrocketed and thus so has the price and since gasoline is made from oil it follows the price would rise.. ..
    I understand that people like you have absolutely no clue about business, free markets or economics. It isn't your fault, public education doesn't teach the necessary skills to thrive. Just to survive and be a good little worker bee.
    Actually, oil prices are set by futures traders in Chicago.
    Actually its even more simple than that.... It would have to do with OPEC... they control oil prices not Bush. Sorry kids.
    Actually, the price of gas has little to do with either oil profits or the Iraq War. The rising price of oil has to do with the fact that consumption worldwide is increasing while the capacity to turn Crude into Gasoline has not increased in over 30 years.

    It is nothing more than the law of supply and demand.
    A totally baseless and unfounded assertion. This isn't a question, it is simply you displaying your considerable ignorance by posting garrulous nonsense. You appear to be clueless in regard to business and the rising demands of an expanding industrial base in India and China.
    Opec and the tree huggers set the price of oil...
    You are so wrong on so many levels. The price of gas/oil has to do with demand. Not profits. Just look at the largest consumers; China and India, they are buying cars in record numbers, that is one of the main reasons for the price increase. And, another are the wack job environmental crowd. They have done everything in their power to stop the oil companies from drilling here and building refineries. And we the sheep have allowed it. Once we stop being collective idiots and start fending for ourselves, the better off we all will be.
    Uh, no - you see informed folks understand that oil is a commodity that is traded on world oil exchanges where traders taking significant financial risks bet on the value of oil for delivery in 30 - 90 days. Oil company profits have nothing whatsoever to do with the price of gasoline at the pump.

    People keep asking this same question and a few folks keep trying to educate the uninformed but I'm not sure it really does any good to try.
    I don't really care what is causing it. I say first man to dig in Alaska or come up with a real alternative,aka not ethanol or solar or wind or H2O or all of those other lame products. I mean a real alternative, if I knew what it was I would sell it myself and become a trillionair.
    Actually, it has more to do with taxes.

    How does that explain the record low profits through the eighties and nineties? You tax a corporation and they raise prices. There are no corporate taxes; only hidden and indirect taxes on the people to feed the bloated federal government monster.
    It has to do with both, actually, although the Iraq war plays a much smaller part than the unquenchable greed of the oil companies.
    I would love to hear your recordings of the conversation you describe between the ';Oil Companies'; and Bush... Ohhh you don't have any it's just that ';everybody knows it'; OK if you say so... I little reality quiz ... Who makes the most money from the sale of a gallon of Gasoline?

    Answer... The Government! almost 50% more than the Oil Companies. So when the price goes up the Government makes the most because of taxes that are fixed and % of sale both.

    No people do not understand that the price of gas has to do with oil company profits, not the Iraq War because neither part of your question is true.
    The rising price of gasoline is completely dependent on speculation. Oil futures are sold on the floors of the Chicago and New York Merchantile Exchanges and have only seen a sharp spike in price per barrel because of increasing consumer demand in developing markets such as India and China. I have done extensive research on the cost of oil and I think I must note that it is believed by many experts that, if oil futures were not traded in US dollars but in European or Middle Eastern currency, the price of oil would skyrocket in the US.

    The price of gasoline is also increasing because of a shortage in usable oil. Oil is used for a variety of different purposes and require different procedures to create its uses. Deisel fuel for trucks and aircraft are created from oil, as also is gasoline for automobiles, among others. Apparently gasoline conversion is one of the most difficult and error prone procedures for oil.
    in 2006 gas was selling for about 2%26gt;60 per gal. The new democrat congress took over in 2006 and gas has risen in cost rapidly . Yet everyone wants to blame bush. The fingers are pointing in the wrong direction.
    It's hedge fund operators that are raising the price of all comodities.

    They do the following:

    1. Buy oil at the current price

    2. Then speculate on the future price and make bets by buying oil at a higher price than what it's selling at now.

    3. They sell the oil they bought originally for a higher market price, thus giving them a heft profit.
    Idiot! it is about the cost of the Raw materials to make oil, regualations for producing oil, the demand for oil to be produced (less consumption / lower price), taxes on oil vs subsidies offsets, Logistical support costs, and local regulations (Cali has more expensive oil)

    The oil companies have managed to only make an 8% profit off of oil no matter what price they sell it for. This is called a profit margin and every company in every industry has one.

    The real evil is the fact that Biofuels are making the price of food skyrocket and affecting the poorest of poor arround the world. (real poverty not American lazy poor)
    I used to work for a company that made film-processing chemicals. We would purchase large amounts of the concentrated chemicals from our suppliers, and then we would mix the chemicals to the proper concentration for different uses, put it into 5-gallon containers and deliver it to our customers. When our suppliers raised the price of the concentrated chemicals, we would raise our prices to cover our added expense, but we still only tried to make a fixed number of dollars per gallon.

    Regardless of the price of the concentrate, we made the same amount of profit per gallon. We did not try to profit more from increasing concentrate prices by adjusting prices so that we make a percentage of the total price to produce the film chemicals. The reason why we only tried to make a fixed amount of profit per gallon is because we knew that if we tried to make more, our customers would get fed up with the prices and switch to digital methods, or go to one of our competitors.

    The problem with the Oil companies is that they use rising crude oil prices as an excuse to make a larger profit based on a percentage of the total cost to produce a gallon of gasoline rather than trying to make a fixed amount of profit per gallon. The reason why they get away with this is not because the government lets them do it, it鈥檚 because we, the consumers let them do it. We have chosen to deal with the economic discomfort that higher fuel prices cost us rather than dealing with a little physical discomfort from the fatigue of walking or riding a bicycle to our destinations, or living in a house in which every room is not constantly heated to 75 degrees.

    I would think that if Americans really understood how supply and demand works, they would be doing more pedaling and less complaining. Maybe they just chose to understand that which allows them to remain fat and lazy.
    Do you know that the oil company has to pay tax?
    So whats this all about then? It appears that the war has a lot to do with the price of oil.鈥?/a>
  • natural make up
  • Do speculators monitor the Tire Inflation Index to determine the price of oil?

    I mean the Tire Inflation Index is a good measure for speculators to determine prices for oil right?

    For all you smarty pants who vigorously defend Obama's Tire Inflation Energy Policy....I got news for you...Speculators don't gauge your tires to determine future prices for oil....NEWSFLASH...cause there is no such method to realistically measure it...and two, if we slow down the use of gas by inflating our tires...then it implies that tax revenue (to maintain roads) goes down because we use less gas at a less frequent rate...and then you Obama-noids start whinning that you need more money to maintain roads...and the madness continues...

    It's like the schmucks who tell you to conserve water...and so you do so...but then the same schmucks raise the water fees cause they had a decrease usage of water...So they screw you for conserving water and then screw you again by raising the fees...

    I laugh every time you defend that schmuck Obama....and his Tire Inflation Energy Policy....

    Please defend this man...I need a good laugh..Do speculators monitor the Tire Inflation Index to determine the price of oil?
    Oh Venom, when are you going to stop watching Fox punditry and learn that Obama has a comprehensive energy plan. Perhaps you should go to his site and research it yourself. It's far more comprehensive than McCain is lying about. It's too bad McCain doesn't have more of an energy plan than creating more wars.Do speculators monitor the Tire Inflation Index to determine the price of oil?
    If you were running with underinflated tires it was a foolish thing to do, how can anybody make false claims that x amount of oil will be saved by properly inflating tires when people who were concerned with proper automobile care were already checking their tire pressure and the ones who weren't will still neglect their tire pressure whether B.O. says it is a good idea or not.
    I used to think Obama was a naive goofball but right after he made the suggestion about inflating tires the price of oil went down, coincidence, I think not. Who would have ever thought that inflating tires to run as they were intended was a good idea., Amazing man.
    People are stupid. Take you for example. I bet you don't realize how much more gas you have to purchase because your tires aren't inflated properly.

    Obama is right but you cons are too blind with anger to see. Why are you people always so angry?
    He on the payroll of all the compressor companies that charge for air.
    Is that what that guy in a suit was doing in my driveway today? Thanks!
    lol.. They will now. LOL
    You go right ahead and drive with under inflated tires.

    As for me, I'm going to save about $500/year by making sure mine are properly inflated.

    As to your questions.

    1. Speculators do check oil use, and properly inflated tires can save up to 5% -- which is nearly 1 MILLION barrels of oil every single day. In fact, the U.S. has reduced its oil use by 800,000 barrels/day over last year, simply by conservation. This is four times the amount of oil that might eventually come from ALL additional offshore drilling.

    2. Your gas tax argument is inane on its face. Your argument is that we should get bad mileage so that we pay more in gas taxes, which will pay for the roads. Personally, I don't want to do this. You can if you want, but I'm not going to.

    Why are The Evil George Bush & Dick Cheney lowering the price of oil NOW?

    Earlier today, oil was down $10 a barrel from it's Friday close. It's down 30%(!!!) from its high of $147 in early July.

    Is this just another Evil Plot by the Evil Twins in the White House with the intention this time to install McCain %26amp; Palin in their place? When, oh when, will be EVER be free of The Evil Duo?!? And, if The Evil Duo do succeed in installing The Evil Duo II in their place, will we have to suffer another eight years of this seemingly neverending nightmare?!?

    I just don't understand why The Evil Duo keep jerking the price of oil around. Do you know what their plans are for the immediate future regarding oil prices? If so, please share so the rest of us can take advantage in the futures markets!

    Source:鈥?/a>Why are The Evil George Bush %26amp; Dick Cheney lowering the price of oil NOW?
    You really shouldn't be saying things like that about Bush and Cheney; they both are honorable men who have sacrificed quite a bit in their service to our country. We're lucky to have them!Why are The Evil George Bush %26amp; Dick Cheney lowering the price of oil NOW?
    The Pres has no control over the price of oil. Everybody loves to blame the President for all kinds of things. Now hear this: he's not Big Daddy. He doesn't see all, know all, control all.

    And much as I don't like George Bush, calling him ';evil'; is just begging to get reported for ranting...
    Ag M,

    The president and vice president have nothing to do with the price of oil. Oil is not a utility, thus its cost is not regulated by government controls.

    Gas prices were up at the end of last week due to fears that Hurricane gustav would shut down pumping and refining in the Gylf Coast area. Since Gustav didn't do the damage the price went back down.

    You did a lot of ranting about Bush and gas prices - but what about Pelosi, Reid, and other democratic leaders.

    In 2006 Pelosi promised she'd lower gas prices if the democrats were elected to majority in Congress. She lied. And then in a cowardly move she dismissed Congress in July with republicans wanting to discuss oil and gas price solutions. If anything, blame democratic leadership, or lack thereof. They REFUSED to help you out.


    If we achieve oil independence from the MidEast, but the price at the pump stays high to support EXXON profits

    THEN WHAT HAVE WE ACCOMPLISHED? I'll tell you what......NOTHING!!!!If we achieve oil independence from the MidEast, but the price at the pump stays high to support EXXON profits
    CLUE: The government makes more profit on each gallon of gasoline sold than all of the big oil companies combined.If we achieve oil independence from the MidEast, but the price at the pump stays high to support EXXON profits
    Do you use gasoline? Yet you slam the very ones who do all the work and provide the commodity. The ';big oil'; companies make about 12 cents a gallon. They have to do all the research, geodetic survers, buy all the equipment, transport and support field engineers,Then put an infrastructure together, drill the oil and pipe it for refining. Next, it gets procesed, refined and stored (they have to build the storage systems as well). Finally, transported to service stations ........ for 12 cents a gallon. Meanwhile Congress puts out its dirty hands and demands 35 cents a gallon for doing absolutely nothing..............Get a grip!
    It won't, but if it did it would be great for our national security not to have to depend on the crazy muslims for our oil.

    Oil companies have traditionally made a 9% profit. That is modest by ANY business standard.
    We wont achieve oil independence from the middle east unless we stop using oil. We don't have enough, nor does Canada, Mexico and Venezuela to make us independent on the middle east unless we cut our usages way back. Our drilling plans wont change that, not in 7 years not in 7 centuries - there isn't enough oil to support our usage.
    we can't achieve oil independence from the middle east.... at least not by drilling.

    It is impossible. Right now we import 15-16 million barrels a day. You could drill every well in ANWR and offshore and not meet that demand. The only way to do it would be to use alternative energy.
    Exxon makes $0.10 profit off of a gallon of gas. Take away all their profit gas will still be $4 a gallon. Only the will stop making so much gas and the price will go hire. Depending on your state the government gets an average of $.48 per gallon of gas in taxes.
    Considering oil companies make 12 cents per gallon for research, devleopment, production, shipping, etc..... and the govt makes 50 cents per gallon (for doing nothing), just whose profits are we supporting?
    The US consumes too much petroleum to ever be oil independent.

    We're going to have to change the way we think in order to accomplish anything.
    This isn't actually a question, but you are absolutely right. If domestic oil supplies became available overnight to supply all our needs no way in hell will the price of gas drop.
    We should nationalize the oil companies. They make far too much money, and they obviously hate Americans.
    strategic security;

    prices, once up rarely come down

    when supply increases, use will increase to meet it

    unless very abundant new source is found
    Do you IDIOTS know that oil companies profits are less than many other industries?

    Are they supposed to be doing this sh!t for free???
    Exxon is a thief .. This expelled from Venezuela .. and it continues to be judged in london.. =P
    IF the moon is really blue cheese , IF the sun does not come up, If Louis Farrakhan becomes President.... Nothing.
    They make 3% of what they put in. Please educte yourself and step away from the TV.
    At least the money wouldn't be going to unstable dictatorships in the Middle East

    If we achieve oil independence from the MidEast, but the price at the pump stays high to support EXXON profits

    THEN WHAT HAVE WE ACCOMPLISHED? I'll tell you what......NOTHING!!!!If we achieve oil independence from the MidEast, but the price at the pump stays high to support EXXON profits
    CLUE: The government makes more profit on each gallon of gasoline sold than all of the big oil companies combined.If we achieve oil independence from the MidEast, but the price at the pump stays high to support EXXON profits
    Do you use gasoline? Yet you slam the very ones who do all the work and provide the commodity. The ';big oil'; companies make about 12 cents a gallon. They have to do all the research, geodetic survers, buy all the equipment, transport and support field engineers,Then put an infrastructure together, drill the oil and pipe it for refining. Next, it gets procesed, refined and stored (they have to build the storage systems as well). Finally, transported to service stations ........ for 12 cents a gallon. Meanwhile Congress puts out its dirty hands and demands 35 cents a gallon for doing absolutely nothing..............Get a grip!
    It won't, but if it did it would be great for our national security not to have to depend on the crazy muslims for our oil.

    Oil companies have traditionally made a 9% profit. That is modest by ANY business standard.
    We wont achieve oil independence from the middle east unless we stop using oil. We don't have enough, nor does Canada, Mexico and Venezuela to make us independent on the middle east unless we cut our usages way back. Our drilling plans wont change that, not in 7 years not in 7 centuries - there isn't enough oil to support our usage.
    we can't achieve oil independence from the middle east.... at least not by drilling.

    It is impossible. Right now we import 15-16 million barrels a day. You could drill every well in ANWR and offshore and not meet that demand. The only way to do it would be to use alternative energy.
    Exxon makes $0.10 profit off of a gallon of gas. Take away all their profit gas will still be $4 a gallon. Only the will stop making so much gas and the price will go hire. Depending on your state the government gets an average of $.48 per gallon of gas in taxes.
    Considering oil companies make 12 cents per gallon for research, devleopment, production, shipping, etc..... and the govt makes 50 cents per gallon (for doing nothing), just whose profits are we supporting?
    The US consumes too much petroleum to ever be oil independent.

    We're going to have to change the way we think in order to accomplish anything.
    This isn't actually a question, but you are absolutely right. If domestic oil supplies became available overnight to supply all our needs no way in hell will the price of gas drop.
    We should nationalize the oil companies. They make far too much money, and they obviously hate Americans.
    strategic security;

    prices, once up rarely come down

    when supply increases, use will increase to meet it

    unless very abundant new source is found
    Do you IDIOTS know that oil companies profits are less than many other industries?

    Are they supposed to be doing this sh!t for free???
    Exxon is a thief .. This expelled from Venezuela .. and it continues to be judged in london.. =P
    IF the moon is really blue cheese , IF the sun does not come up, If Louis Farrakhan becomes President.... Nothing.
    They make 3% of what they put in. Please educte yourself and step away from the TV.
    At least the money wouldn't be going to unstable dictatorships in the Middle East

    How long after the elections will the Republicans raise the price of oil?

    We know damn well the Republicans are in bed with the oil companies, and we know they like the blame the Democrats for the high price of gas by saying they dont want to drill in Alaska

    In 2006 right before the Congress elections oil prices began falling sharply for the first time in years, then literaly the day after the Democrats won, the Republicans began raising the prices again

    So how long after the November elections do you think they will begin raising the price again

    if Obama wins I bet they wait about 2 days

    if McCain wins I bet they wait about a weekHow long after the elections will the Republicans raise the price of oil?
    They'll probably do it on election day.How long after the elections will the Republicans raise the price of oil?
    You are delusional. The market drives the price of oil, not the Republicans.

    The last time oil was at $57 per barrel, what was the price at the pump?

    Under 2.00 per gallon, you will never see that again though, taxes and Petroleum companies, tend to absorb it as profit. The last time oil was at $57 per barrel, what was the price at the pump?
    Was probably allot lower, but remember they have stock prices for gasoline too. Here is the link for it. The symbol they have is RBOB...
  • natural make up
  • Isnt it funny how oil prices didnt skyrocket until the end of bush's reign?

    why is that i wonder? i mean, him and his buddies are profiting off of it, for sure...but why the delay?Isnt it funny how oil prices didnt skyrocket until the end of bush's reign?
    Maybe because he really ISN'T??? MAYBE... just MAYBE all those brain-dead ideas aren't TRUE and he's NOT profiting from the high oil prices? Could that even enter your MIND as a POSSIBILITY???

    Have a right-wing day.


    Brent Crude closed at $92.28 on Monday, November 19. Here is the site I use to check commodities below-they have a really good Java-based charting system. Happy trading.CRUDE OIL NOV. 19 PRICE!HURRy!!!!?鈥?/a>

    The Dems' Oil Pipeline in Alaska did NOT Bring Down Oil Prices. Why was that Good but Drilling now is Bad?

    Why was is good when the Dem Congress approved an oil pipeline to the North Slope of Alaska ? That didn't bring down prices. But, Pelosi swears drilling in ANWR and OCS is not a good idea for the same reason. Odd?The Dems' Oil Pipeline in Alaska did NOT Bring Down Oil Prices. Why was that Good but Drilling now is Bad?
    Nancy Pelosi doesn't want drilling because she has invested heavily in wind turbine power. To allow drilling would hurt her own pocketbook.The Dems' Oil Pipeline in Alaska did NOT Bring Down Oil Prices. Why was that Good but Drilling now is Bad?
    Do you have *any* data, sources to support your assertions?

    By the way, the former CIA Director, James Woolsey, calls the Alaska pipeline the ';world's largest 'kick me' sign for terrorists';. It's impossible to protect. Shell Oil has said ANWR is a bad investment, and they're not clamoring to drill the OCS, maybe you should listen to their expertise.

    McCain is the one taking all of the Big Oil money -- ExxonMcCain '08!
    come on dude these are the dumbest most retarded people that you and I have ever seen in our lifetime. think about all the things that congress has done for this oil problem.

    - Lets invest in ethanol fuels. Result= price of corn rose 155% and created world hunger. how much corn do we have to grow to have enough fuel to provide the whole country? a lot.

    - instead of search for ALL ways to get out of this foreing oil dependency, we should only consentrate on the ways the liberals want which are going to take a very long time to be able to research, find an implement into the every day life of all americans.
    Yea the PNAC was against it before they were for it. Damn republicans just can not make up their minds now can they.
    awww, youre joshin us again~!

    Do you worry that your food bill will increase? Due to high oil, corn and wheat prices?

    What will you cut back on, or is saving money not a factor for your future?

    What foods will you eat less of and which ones will you eat more of?Do you worry that your food bill will increase? Due to high oil, corn and wheat prices?
    Prices at the grocery store are fine. But restaurant bills are unbearable. They want $9 for a hamburger, fries, and a Coca Cola now. In working class America.Do you worry that your food bill will increase? Due to high oil, corn and wheat prices?
    I've already noticed small increases at our local supermarket. A dime here, a quarter there. I don't know if it's justified yet, but they are sure raising the prices. I think everything will go up as oil prices rise, due to shipping cost, and it will eventually have more of an impact on our entire grocery bill.

    I have given it a lot of thought to this the last few months and don't really know exactly where I'll cut cost. I've always been pretty good at keeping our grocery bill to a minimum, so there's not much I can cut except snack foods.

    We do own 2 full size pickup trucks and drive one of them every day, so that's where our major expense is at the moment. We live in a rural area and need at least one truck, so we are already talking about buying a more economical vehicle.

    Planting a garden again is always an option for us, too, but as we've gotten older it's a little harder to get motivated to do something that creates more work. I do suspect our lifestyle will be changing drastically before long because of the high oil and grain prices.
    why worry about things you can't do nothing about.

    How Many Of You Think McBush Will Bring The Price Of Oil Down Once He's Prez?

    The elite who owns this country will not allow this country to be run by an independent. Their crimes will be exposed. The generals behind 911, and who good promoted instead of demoted, will not tolerate that. So the election will be close but for McBush.

    So how much are you willing to spend on gas? The world is sick of you, and sick of having to buy US DOLLARS in order to buy oil on the world market.

    Say, $6.50/gal? Once Iran succeeds in the oil bourse, the US dollar will be worth a dead cow. Say $8.50/gal?How Many Of You Think McBush Will Bring The Price Of Oil Down Once He's Prez?
    Attack Iran and the price goes waaay up...Elect McCain and we invade Iran...the fact is that Obama will win and the US will soon have a balanced budget and the dollar will raise in value...and about 50 other good thingsHow Many Of You Think McBush Will Bring The Price Of Oil Down Once He's Prez?
    Is McCain an oil executive? No.

    Is McCain a recipient of large donations from the Middle East? No

    Has McCain any personal connections with Islam? No

    I think any of the candidates will bring the oil price down because Bush/Cheney - Texas/Wyoming - are running a price support plan for the oil industry - Strategic Petroleum Reserve. They also have given a very low priority to pumping oil in Iraq.

    Bush/Cheney do not care less about the Republican Party or gas consumers. It shows that there should never be a Veep who could not expect to run for President.
    Unfortunately I dont think anything is going to bring the price of oil down.. Oil has been over 2$ or more for Years in Europe.. We have been living in luxury for a long time ...Now the very thing that we wish to populate the world with ,, Democracy ,Free, Trade, and Capitalism ... All are going to come full circle with Chinas new Economic policies they will compete for all the oil and they will try to build everything cheaper than us.. Somethimg like Japan but China has 20x more people to use as a workforce,///. IN the end I fear our own free wheeling policies ,, giving away money ,and other things like our resources for nothing ,, and our technology will create a vacumn here in every category And you may find a boogey man in youe closet one day sir
    There is no way gas prices are coming down, no matter who is President. We can all say goodbye to $3.00 gas. In a year you will be praying for prices to drop to $4.00. Face it, we are past peak oil production, and the supply is not there. Get used to it.
    Why? is he going to start paying off Bush's bills to boost the value of the dollar?

    Some reason I highly doubt it, just for the simple reason that Republicans usually don't pay their bills, they let other people do so, and take the blame for raising taxes.
    thats funny, because i KNOW that none of the canidates have control over the gas prices. the people who have the oil do. and unless one of them is running for president i KNOW your canidate cant change the price.
    Being Bush 3, he won't even try to lower it. That would cut off his lobby money/slush fund money/payola. He will never do that.

    America doesn't need another corporate presidency. And it needs to get out of Iraq.

    Until you and others stop using oil or at least cut back on it the gas will stay high. Speculators bidding the oil price up have more to do with it than the government does!
    This is nonsense. This makes about as much sense as those who believe that the terrorists have won if Osama... I mean Obama wins the Presidency.
    The sky is falling, the sky is falling.

    There is a boogie man in my closet.........
    There is no person with that name running for office.

    Ask the DNC and Barry Osama

    If crude oil prices are tumbling daily, why are my prices at the pump still going up now?

    the oil bought today will not be at your local gas station for several weeks at best. It takes time for prices to flow through to the pump.If crude oil prices are tumbling daily, why are my prices at the pump still going up now?
    Well the first guy sounds like a spokesperson for the Big Oil Gestapo, and the other guys had some threads of truth but lacked a good answer.

    The following are lies

    1. Future price increses. Oil is projected by most experts to go below $30 a barrel, and this is based on price averge index with demand. With prices not falling at the pump demand will drop even more then projected causing $21 to $18 a barrel oil, and that would lead to involvment in the free market by big brother that big oil will not like.

    2. It's the refining cost and pipe line. Refining is nothing more then a special distillery that fractionally cooks oil, and pipe lines are owned %26amp; paid for by the government and the pressure of the oil is what moves it.

    3. Its OPEC. Well OPEC tries but they have lossed 14% in market share last year and today they only control 28% of the worlds oil compared to a year year ago of 42%. The major issue OPEC has is only 3 of 12 members who cut production when they vote to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar they oil control 6% of the market share combined. The other OPEC nations are poor and even if the really wanted high oil prices they can't afford the transition period.

    The cause is clear from expierence it is the oil Gestapo that I worked for I hate to admit comitting rape on America.

    Note some one needs to investigate Speedway Super America.If crude oil prices are tumbling daily, why are my prices at the pump still going up now?
    There is a difference in crude oil and unleaded gas prices.

    Factor transportation, pump taxes, costs of ethanol and other bio fuel blends, and pump profit for example.
    gas price is about 25/35 % determined by crude...pipeline,,,tanker,,where oil/crude is pumped from,,,spot demand/marked demand.all play a does political events,,,weather,,,demand for heating oil VS gas VS kero....
  • natural make up
  • What are some ways to force oil companies to lower their prices?

    Aside from asking them to pump out more oil.

    For example: Raise food prices of other countries that the U.S trades to.

    I don't know how legitimate that above statement is, but that is the only thing I could think of so far.

    Thank you for your time.What are some ways to force oil companies to lower their prices?
    Well, there are lot of things that can be done; but as far as common man is concerned we can :-

    ** minimize the use of oil/gasoline - can be done by using car pooled, taking public transportation, don't buy gas/petrol on specific day of a week, etc....

    As far as Govt is concerned, they can try to do something to break the monopoly of OPEC and oil companies. They can also work towards promoting alternative source of fuel. This promotion is going to break the moral of the OPEC and Oil producing companiesWhat are some ways to force oil companies to lower their prices?
    Windfall profit tax to the big oil companies. Tax their outrageous profits.

    Step up production of bio fuels so it is real competition to crude oil. Make these bio fuels out of something other than corn so it does not effect the production of food. Celulostic ethanol can me made from switch grass or wood by products. This type of ethanol is much more efficient to manufacture than corn ethanol. Start production of bio diesel from algae.
    Good question. Oil companies, work on the profit motive and the price of oil they buy or extract is the key, world market prices for oil are strongly influenced by traders, buying oil as a commody, a hedge against a falling dollar...........

    In other words, my suggestion is to increase the value of the dollar so it buys relatively more oil. This can be done be re-establishing trust in the dollar worldwide by:

    1. PAYING DOWN THE DEBT- if america returns to paying its debts, the world will regain trust in the long term security of the dollar.

    2. Reduce international stress- financial markets react negatively/insecurely whenever we threaten to bomb Iran or whoever.

    3. invest in alternative fuels, including technologies to extract the hard to reach huge oil fields in north dakota, wyoming and the rockies.

    4. raise interest rates , so investors will invest in the dollar again

    while these dont make big oil lower their prices directly, indirectly will have a much greater and lasting effect.......
    I think the price of oil is not going down for a loooong while because:

    1. Our complete dependence on oil.....and

    2. Oil suppliers are meeting demand, its not like there is a shortage. Demand increases as it is now, price naturally increases with it

    3. and the fact that the large oil supplying countries act as a cartel

    4. Also, the US is at war in a country that was a large producer....obviously they can not produce as much as they were previously capable

    5. The U.S and U.N. are now imposing sanctions on Iran, another large oil producer

    In my humble opinion, for these reasons, politics need to change before the price of oil will go down.
    The only way to force oil companies to lower their prices is to put a maximum price or a price ceiling on it, and only the President can initiate that.

    And to be completely honest, gas prices will always rise. In '81 they were $3.31, then went down, back up, down, up, down, up. They fluctuate constantly. Consumers just weren't expecting it to go up so fast, and nobody had time to accomodate for it.
    Take away from the demand for oil, then they'll lower the prices. Many people (in places like Portland) live without even owning a car. Other things you can do are walk or ride your bike on shorter trips. Think about whether trips in the car are necessary. If you are going to use a car, use one with better mileage as opposed to a gas guzzler (like SUV's).
    greater taxes in their profits. also lower prices means lower taxes in oil companies