Monday, April 26, 2010

Why is the price of oil going up so much? There's got to be someone at the end of the line getting too greedy.

Oil magnates are all wealthy enough to stop working tomorrow and live in luxury for the rest of their lives. So why are they continuing to screw the rest of us with prices which are far too high? People like that spoil life for those of us who don't have a mental obsession with cash. What I'm paid doesn't keep going up and up but the price of everything else does which means in effect I get poorer. Why are there so many over ambitious, greedy, selfish, uncaring freaks and not enough altruists?Why is the price of oil going up so much? There's got to be someone at the end of the line getting too greedy.
Uh, expecting it to work out due to altruism is unrealistic.

Yes, those who get all the oil profits are unimaginably greedy and loathesome.

Another part of the problem is the falling dollar (thank Dubya for that).

Unbridled greed should just not be allowed to have its way, but since it's the oil execs and people like them in other industries that own the government, I don't see this changing.

As for people's wages not going up to keep up, thank decades of union-bashing and other policies. They're taking us straight to the Middle Ages, where a very few people owned everything, and everyone else were their serfs.Why is the price of oil going up so much? There's got to be someone at the end of the line getting too greedy.
oil will run out eventually so it could be to help save the enviroment.
you just have to accept that humans are greedy and selfish by nature.. the only good reason they would even need the money to begin with is for their personal ambitions..
damn yanks again im afraid

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