Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Do you belive the high cost of Gasoline is due to the price of crude oil, a corp. scandal, or just plain greed

Well first off supply and demand have a lot to do with it, esepcailly with china having such a new demand for gas, the worlds demand is now more, increasing the cost.

There is also corporate greed, but it is in OPEC, and the foreign countries that sell oil, they know they can make more money if they limit it, therefore they do. Once one person limits it is is easier for other to do the same, or at least charge the same price.

You can call corporations in america greedy, but in the end a corporation taht does not make money is no good, they are still businesses after all, Although their profits may seem high, we have been asking more and more from them, esepcailyl when plants are runnign at near full capacity, they are looking at big investments to add new refineries and such (which not to mention the problem that we all want them, just not in our back yard.)

We need to curve fuel usage to, simple supply and demand shows us that without the demand the price can not remain high, or at least not succesfully so. I don't see this changing any time soon, most of our driving is nessisary, and and cars gas milage has continued to get better, yes SUV's use more gas then cars, and a lot of people have them who shouldn't, but in general thigns are getting better, there is not really a whole lot we can do about it. Just be glad we do not live in Europe where gas can cost $5-6 due to all the governments taxes.Do you belive the high cost of Gasoline is due to the price of crude oil, a corp. scandal, or just plain greed
Don't forget that gasoline also has additives. these are other chemicals that are added to the base mix to help reduce emissions. what we are seeing in the SW is that we've been regulated to use the same mix that is used in Southern california, but the local refineries cannot locate adequate supply of them. So, prices go up independent of oil.Do you belive the high cost of Gasoline is due to the price of crude oil, a corp. scandal, or just plain greed
A combination of all of them, plus taxes
supply and demand the more we demand the higher the price
it's a government scandel i tell ya
combination of all...
I think it's because of the corporation prices. The corporation prices can get higher as the world is running out of natural oil drilled to in the ground. When corporations sell to other corporations they usually sell higher to the second corporation.
I Think it is just plain greed.

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