Wednesday, April 28, 2010

If we achieve oil independence from the MidEast, but the price at the pump stays high to support EXXON profits

THEN WHAT HAVE WE ACCOMPLISHED? I'll tell you what......NOTHING!!!!If we achieve oil independence from the MidEast, but the price at the pump stays high to support EXXON profits
CLUE: The government makes more profit on each gallon of gasoline sold than all of the big oil companies combined.If we achieve oil independence from the MidEast, but the price at the pump stays high to support EXXON profits
Do you use gasoline? Yet you slam the very ones who do all the work and provide the commodity. The ';big oil'; companies make about 12 cents a gallon. They have to do all the research, geodetic survers, buy all the equipment, transport and support field engineers,Then put an infrastructure together, drill the oil and pipe it for refining. Next, it gets procesed, refined and stored (they have to build the storage systems as well). Finally, transported to service stations ........ for 12 cents a gallon. Meanwhile Congress puts out its dirty hands and demands 35 cents a gallon for doing absolutely nothing..............Get a grip!
It won't, but if it did it would be great for our national security not to have to depend on the crazy muslims for our oil.

Oil companies have traditionally made a 9% profit. That is modest by ANY business standard.
We wont achieve oil independence from the middle east unless we stop using oil. We don't have enough, nor does Canada, Mexico and Venezuela to make us independent on the middle east unless we cut our usages way back. Our drilling plans wont change that, not in 7 years not in 7 centuries - there isn't enough oil to support our usage.
we can't achieve oil independence from the middle east.... at least not by drilling.

It is impossible. Right now we import 15-16 million barrels a day. You could drill every well in ANWR and offshore and not meet that demand. The only way to do it would be to use alternative energy.
Exxon makes $0.10 profit off of a gallon of gas. Take away all their profit gas will still be $4 a gallon. Only the will stop making so much gas and the price will go hire. Depending on your state the government gets an average of $.48 per gallon of gas in taxes.
Considering oil companies make 12 cents per gallon for research, devleopment, production, shipping, etc..... and the govt makes 50 cents per gallon (for doing nothing), just whose profits are we supporting?
The US consumes too much petroleum to ever be oil independent.

We're going to have to change the way we think in order to accomplish anything.
This isn't actually a question, but you are absolutely right. If domestic oil supplies became available overnight to supply all our needs no way in hell will the price of gas drop.
We should nationalize the oil companies. They make far too much money, and they obviously hate Americans.
strategic security;

prices, once up rarely come down

when supply increases, use will increase to meet it

unless very abundant new source is found
Do you IDIOTS know that oil companies profits are less than many other industries?

Are they supposed to be doing this sh!t for free???
Exxon is a thief .. This expelled from Venezuela .. and it continues to be judged in london.. =P
IF the moon is really blue cheese , IF the sun does not come up, If Louis Farrakhan becomes President.... Nothing.
They make 3% of what they put in. Please educte yourself and step away from the TV.
At least the money wouldn't be going to unstable dictatorships in the Middle East

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