Monday, April 26, 2010

What will Obama or McCain do about high oil prices?

Continued Bush policies, such as what Mccain is offering, will result in further increases to gas prices.

Obama wants to mandate a transition from oil to alternative fuels so we can ween ourselves from the teet of big oil and hostile regions where we get our oil from.

In his own words, Barack Obama.

';We need proactive solutions that are designed to lessen our dependence on foreign oil and bring down prices for good. Washington privately understands this but perhaps because of the influence of the oil companies, some of it having to do with ideology, Washington has just been unwilling to take the hard steps necessary to confront what I consider to be one of the most pressing economic and national security challenges in the 21st century. So, the time for excuses is over. Now's not the moment where we should be afraid of what is going to seem politically difficult or controversial. Now's the time to call for innovation and sacrifice from those institutions that can make a difference: the auto industry, the oil industry, the federal government.

The first place to start is with cars. We've got to build cars that use less gasoline. The auto industry hasn't been asked to raise fuel-economy standards in seventeen years and frankly, lately Republicans and Democrats seem to have stopped asking. Today, we've got no choice. Starting in 2008, we should raise CAFE standards (that's the fuel-efficiency standards on cars) a modest 3 percent a year. If we did that over the next 12 years, by 2020 passenger vehicles would average 40 miles per gallon, light trucks would average 32 miles per gallon. That's not a dramatic increase; it's easily achievable through existing technology and it can be done without compromising passenger safety.

Now, there are going to be transition costs involved in making more fuel-efficient automobiles, especially for Detroit, which has relied heavily on the sale of SUVs for its profits. So I've proposed what I call the ';Healthcare for Hybrids'; bill, where we'd strike a grand bargain with U.S. auto-makers. We tell them we're going to pickup part of the tab for the retiree healthcare costs, a tab which, by the way, ran 6.7 billion dollars last year but, in exchange, you've got to use the money to invest in transitioning to fuel-efficient cars. So that would be point number one.

Point number two: we should just replace the use of oil altogether as America's fuel of choice. This doesn't mean singing the praises of ethanol, and hoping that it finds its way into our fuel supply on its own. It means taking some serious steps now to put a national bio-fuel infrastructure into place. Already some cars on the road have flexible fuel tanks necessary for them to run on E85, which is a cheaper, cleaner blend of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline. But millions upon millions of cars still don't have these tanks. So its time for auto-makers to install those tanks in every single car that they make and the government can help cover this small cost which currently runs at just around $100 per car. It's also time to start making E85 fueling stations more available to the American public. Currently only 681 out of the 170,000 fueling stations in America offer E85 pumps. That's not acceptable. Every American should have the choice when they pull up to fill up their car with E85. That should be true at any fueling station and the oil companies should stop standing in the way and join us in making this happen. If the big oil companies would devote just one percent of their first quarter profits this year to install E85 pumps, more than 7,000 service stations would be able to serve E85 to motorists who could use it.

Finally, we need to reduce the risk of investing in renewable fuels by providing loan guarantees and venture capital to those entrepreneurs with the best plans to develop cell-bio fuel and we should start creating a market for renewable fuels by ramping up the renewable fuel standard and creating an alternative diesel standard in this country, a national standard, that together would blend 65 billion gallons of renewable fuels into the petroleum supply every year.

If we had taken all these steps decades ago, like Brazil did when the call for energy independence was first issued, we'd be immune right now to the whims of oil-rich dictators and surging gas prices. If we don't take these steps now there's going to be a day when we look back at that $3.05 or $3.15 gasoline as the good old days. At some point there's not going to be a tax rebate that's big enough or a tax holiday that's long enough to solve these problems. The American people shouldn't have to wait for this day to come. When it comes to reducing our dependence of foreign oil, the resources are there, the technology is there, the demand is there. Now we just need a little bit of political will and I hope that you guys will help me provide it.';What will Obama or McCain do about high oil prices?
There are many things these people can do about high oil prices:

1. They can nuke India and China to put an end to the strain these countries are putting on demand with their increased industrialization and resulting demand.

2. They can subsidize oil prices using federal money, essentially passing on the cost of fuel to the tax payers, who will have their taxes increased not only to cheapen their own gas, but to pay for the fuel used for farming equipment, truckers, and aeroplanes.

3. They can nationalize all oil production, putting and end to the free market economy surrounding this commodity and make it run as efficiently as state governments run their DMVs. Hugo Chavez would be proud.

Please let me know if these options are appealing to you. If the thought of committing genocide, starting world war III or turning America into a communist government doesn't sound appealing, maybe it is time to admit that the president doesn't (and shouldn't) have power to affect the price of oil.What will Obama or McCain do about high oil prices?
Anybody who can help us to get rid of Oil Price Hike and bring our boys home, could be an American hero and will win the Election.

In fact I'd say No more wars, No more Military Heroes in Politics. When it comes to Politics, Military Heroes are just Obedient; They are good only to execute the ORDERS. Remember Colin Powell?! Even he himself is now regretting it.

Check this out:

Dollar can get its strength back and Oil price will drop sharply if:

1- Iraq war ends and troops come back home, which Obama has already promised and McCain wants it continued for another 100 years.

2- Hillary, out of revenge, does not run as an Independent and fractures the Democrat votes.
There is nothing they can do.

Neither want to drill in Anwar

Neither say they want to look into clean coal.

Neither really have to worry about gas prices because they are rich - this one sums up up pretty good.

Neither talk about removing the barriers they have put in place that make in hard for greener resources to be researched.

Obama has a lot of oil investments so don't expect him to betray his good friends big Oil.

McCain wants to give a gas tax holiday which is a copy of Ron Paul's McCain has no original ideas.

We are screwed pretty much.
See the links I provided below for what McCain really said about ';100 years'; and how Obama is spindoctoring it.

I dont believe Obama will be capable of doi ng anything. I believe McCain will pursue renewable energy and biofuel technologies not to reduce the price of oil but, to get us off the oil standard.
Well if we keep a democrat control house maybe we can start drilling for our own oil but if the GOP get the office nothing because the democrat will reject any bill that would help the ppl because they think it would help the GOP ,,,anyway Bush already try to get a bill though and congress turn it down. for drilling %26amp; new oil refinely
Think of it this way

If you are a car dealership. And all the cars in the world were taken away. And there was only this 1 dealership. And you had to buy a car, and the company raises the price, could you blame them?

Oil companies have VERY little competition and they know the government has no choice in what they charge.

Only thing they can claim is price gouging but with a few thousand dollars to the republicans they wont raise a hand.
Oh you will have a lot of we are going to utopia answers but the main answer is nothing unless he can get permission from China ...opps the democrats to drill off shore in Florida the representative from Florida says she will never allow that because it would kill the tourist trade is she so dumb as to see what the high price of gas is going to do to her precious tourist trade.
Obama does nothing but say whatever is expedient at the moment. He has contacts with subversive groups communists, etc. He will do nothing but ruin our country!

I hope that Mccain will surround himself with advisors who know that our ONLY hope is to develop our own resources (of which we have an abundance).
Obama will negotiate with OPEC for lower crude oil prices (which won't work), while McCain will rattle his saber and try to scare the bejesus out of the Arabs (which won't work).
I can't predict the future, but Richard Nixon (not one of my favorite people) instituted Federal price controls when faced with a similar situation.

It worked, too.
Maybe we can attack and takeover a country that has lots of oil.

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