Saturday, December 26, 2009

Are the prices of oil and prescription drugs proof of political slavery?

Drug and oil companies sponsor many candidates from all parties and help them get elected. Politicians can have the best intentions when they start to run for office, then they get a sponsorship from one of these huge conglomerates and therby become a slave to that company. You can't tell me that they would recieve all that money then still vote against issues that would reduce the cost of these things. Anybody agree we need a change in corporate sponsorships when it comes to elections?Are the prices of oil and prescription drugs proof of political slavery?
Thoroughly agree.

We have separation of religion from politics, and now we should work towards separation of business from politics.Are the prices of oil and prescription drugs proof of political slavery?
Oil prices are not controlled by politicians. They are control by world trade. The Drug companies are another story. Personally I think the Insurance companies are screwing Americans to the wall and I'm not even hearing a peep. They also have had record profits and are raising prices again.
still playing the blame game huh?
No. It's the same way with Big Labor Bosses who are involved with Organized Crime. Now they Really own politicians. I'm an union member, I know who we own.

We own a bunch of scumbag politicians.
No, they are nothing of the sort. Politicians vote all the time for costly measures (e.g., forbidding oil drilling in the ANWR, farm price supports), but they do so only because they think that their constituents support such. Actually, the closest case that I can make to your question is the sugar lobby, which has managed through legislation to keep sugar prices artificially high for years. But slavery is still too strong a term.

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