Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Why are we the American public allowing Apec to keep raising oil prices?

Firstly, it is OPEC --- The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

Secondly, it is not OPEC that is rising the price of oil, it is the speculators on the New York Stock Exchange (in the minerals future market).

You need to know at least something about the topic before you ask questions.Why are we the American public allowing Apec to keep raising oil prices?
Because we Americans are addicted to oil and will do anything and pay any price to keep the supply coming.

The same reason that drug addicts don't so anything about the price of crack.Why are we the American public allowing Apec to keep raising oil prices?
The multinationals took the power away from the American people through lobbyists.

Time to talk to your politicians about what they've been doing to us.
What does the American public have to do with a private concern like OPEC .....???

Our government has no control over OPEC ....
I know what you mean by APEC - American Petrolium Extortion Consortium..otherwise know as the House and Senate.
Opec's oil is not our oil. We should use our own oil and let the rest of the world fight over Opec's oil.
Its OPEC and they aren't the ones responsible for high oil prices. Its because of our weak dollar. (The dollar not being worth as much as it used to be.)
Why ask questions that are embarrassing?
you have no authority over opec.
Its the speculators no one else.
i believe you mean OPEC. And, there's nothing anyone can do about it.

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