Saturday, December 26, 2009

When do you think oil prices will drop?

the increase in prices wont slow until next Fall.....and it wont come down very much, just like this past Fall, and then it will go up up up again next Spring......repeat each year for the next 5 years min. ---or until the US finds alternative energy sources that allow us to reduce our dependency on OPEC....agree?When do you think oil prices will drop?
As a result of 'global warming' it's possible that hell will freeze over.....but until that happens the price of gas at the pump won't go down. It always drops a few cents, but never goes below it's last low...then it shoots up again. In parts of California it's now over $4.00 a gal for regular. Be prepared to learn to walk!When do you think oil prices will drop?
oil prices will plateau right after the first of September (probably at 150 a barrel, US Dollars). it will fall a bit then (depending on the weather situation this winter)--continue to rise back up .

I don't forsee lower prices anytime soon folks. We all will be paying $4.50 a gallon by August.....unless inflation concerns drop (and I don't think that will happen)
Not any time soon.

The problem is one of supply and demand, but not the way most people think. They assume that it is the petroleum which is falling in supply and rising in demand. In truth supply has kept up with demand.

The supply and demand problem is the US dollar. The supply of US dollars has been going up dramatically while the demand for those dollars is dropping. If you are buying dollars with barrels of oil you are getting more and more dollars because the price of those dollars is going down.

This is just going to get worse. Our government is spending itself silly like Elliot Spitzer on call girls. Hillary and Obama are trying to outdo each other promising the voters social plans they have no hope of financing. McCain promises us another 100 years of the most wasteful activity a government can do, which is war. We're in debt up to our keisters and printing money like there is no tommorrow.

We're heading for $10 a gallon gas, without any help from supply disruptions or rising demand.
Absolutely I agree. They are on the rise and are going to continue. Now that the rest of the world wants oil and gas and cars, we have to think of other means of fuel, or transportation.
January 2345 or there about.
they will drop in a few weeks, but will raise back up double the price
Never. The simple reason is:

Three Billion people in India and China are experiencing an economic boom and they all want cars and their engineering of those vehicles isn't very sophisticated. Pollution is a big issue also.

India and China produce no oil.

Sources of crude oil are plentiful, but all the sources that can be easily accessed have been and are mostly depleted. It will be costly to continue production and the demand is accelerating rapidly. Refining facilities are old and too few. ';Greenies'; prevent building new refineries.

It is supply and demand.

More emand, less supply, what supply that will exist will be more expensive.....

Never will the price go down, other than momentarily.
I feel the price will be dropped once the next president takes the office be it Mr Mrs obama/clintion or Mr Macain. But the new president is going to the worst recession in the world as soon as he takes oath and naturally there will be high production and OPEC will try to sell lower by cutting various costs by cheaper price and the usage ofmoil will also come down once we invent alternate energy mainly solar
Forget about the alternative energy replacement. If a real solution to oil comes into being, then the government will not have to subsidized it. It will come to the market through the free market.

Ethanol is not very efficient fuel and its very expensive to produce mainly because it does not flow through a pipeline and has to be trucked.

I do not see the price of gas dropping because the government is more interested in pleasing the global warming crowd and not drilling for oil on our own soil. As long as we remain solely dependent upon foreign suppliers, the price will remain high. Most people think that the price of oil is regulated by the oil companies but this is not true. The price is dependent upon supply and demand, oil speculation, and having adequate refinery capacity, along with taxes which the government can drop at any time.

EDIT: As long as the HACKS in government can blame the oil companies for the price of oil. Ignorance by force of propaganda, they will not drop and taxes on gasoline.
when we find alternative and stop playing stupid OPEC games.
When Ron Paul becomes president
the oil companies are controlling the price of oil. the republicans wont do any thing because they love greed, and the democrats wont because it will hurry up their dream of alternative energy sources-we've had it!
While i agree that we need to reduce our dependency on OPEC, without any form of alternative fuel to count on, that leaves us to drill in Alaska. We know that will never happen. the Caribou will protest loudly.

I am not a financial guru but it is my understanding that the prices of oil are set by the financial markets gambling on what they think will happen right? So there lies the problem but I have no idea how to solve it!
Price will drop once instability in the middle east is resolved and the value of the dollar starts to go back up. So, yeah, no time soon -- this wll make OPEC bring down the prices.

We aren't paying the free market price now though, the government is subsidizing the price for us so we are paying the difference at the pump from the real price in taxes. This means the conservatives idea of free market -- doesn't exist, therefore we aren't investing in alternative energy sources like we should because most consumers do not know how much we are paying in taxes instead of at the pumps.

Once we start chipping away the oil/gas tax incentives and go towards alternative energy resources the price will go back up quite a bit for oil/gas. It's going to take at least a decade or two to really get in a better space and that's only if we start making our policies towards weening us off oil/gas and investing in other energy sources.

If we keep going the direction we've been going -- exploiting or replacing governments with those more friendly to what we want insofar as their natural resources, we're pretty much screwed.
No it will top five dollars. The only people this will help is the workers who's job can not afford the fuel to import and export their job out of state or country.
Nope...They dropped catastrophically in November 2006. For the first time in a couple of years, I actually filled up at a station with gas prices under 2 dollars a gallon that fall. The oil CEO's were obviously worried that their Republican friends were going to lose the majority in Congress.

Depending on what the oil CEO's think the Republicans need, either they're drop again in November 2008 or they will skyrocket in November to make the Democrats look bad.

It has nothing to do with supply and demand.
The Bush administration will consult with their friends, the Saudi's and the price will drop around election time.
1. Possibly after the election when Hillary opens the reserves like Bill did. It is not about supply really... opening the reserves ticks off the oil companies so they lower the prices.

2. My theory is oil prices are high because the oil companies want to burden society into letting them drill in Alaska. So, if that happens, oil prices will drop.
...Magic 8-ball says....';next thursday';...
It will rise alot and then drop a little, just enough so people think that $110/barrel is a good deal.

The problem isn't the supply, any junkie will tell you that it's the demand that drives the addiction. People consume far too much of the stuff.
As soon as the cost becomes prohibitive and people start to really conserve and purchase less. It may not drop, but it will at least freeze in place for a while.

The best thing we can do is use as little as possible. Basic supply %26amp; demand.
Once the oil exporting countries see that we are seriously moving towards alternatives they will cut prices just like they did in the early 80's.

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